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Deleting Facebook


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yeah, i still have a facebook account but havent checked it in forever. i almost never check it. several years ago i realized it was taking up way too much of my life and time, and it felt like such a waste of time, so i just forced myself to stop using it...

...and have been happy ever after

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I took about a year off from it. Didn't miss it much but I have a lot of family and friends overseas so it's been good for them to know they can reach me that way if needed. It's way too public for me and gives me a general distaste for humanity though.

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My entire pereption of facebook is from what I have read on this forum. Here is my take: facebook is like the front yard of a home in a nice neighborhood where everbyody's grass is mowed, all the white picket fences have a clean fresh coat of paint, and the flower beds are beautiful with no weeds growing in them. There is a welcome or bless this house sign on the front door of this facbook home.

Then you go into the backyard and the quitting adderall woodshed is tucked in the back corner of the lot with overgrown trees and bushes in front of it, and the lawn needed to be mowed last month. But once you go inside the woodshed, there are bundles of wood stacked accorking to size, the floor is swept and there is a functional work bench and usable tools and a couple of sturdy chairs.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My entire pereption of facebook is from what I have read on this forum. Here is my take: facebook is like the front yard of a home in a nice neighborhood where everbyody's grass is mowed, all the white picket fences have a clean fresh coat of paint, and the flower beds are beautiful with no weeds growing in them. There is a welcome or bless this house sign on the front door of this facbook home.

Then you go into the backyard and the quitting adderall woodshed is tucked in the back corner of the lot with overgrown trees and bushes in front of it, and the lawn needed to be mowed last month. But once you go inside the woodshed, there are bundles of wood stacked accorking to size, the floor is swept and there is a functional work bench and usable tools and a couple of sturdy chairs.

What an amazing metaphor!

Facebook... nope, never got into it (though probably would've been less damaging than all the drunk Skype I used to do in a previous life :blush: )

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  • 2 weeks later...

I deactivated my fb awhile ago and dont plan on returning until I feel like myself again & use it very limitedly. Facebook has gotten outta control anyway in my opion. My ex girlfriend and some many girls I know use facebook as a way to show how good their life is by posting pictures and comments of themselves which is very shallow if you ask me. Its still good for reconnecting with people you haven't seen but most people Im friends with on fb are from high school and I havent spoke to in 5 years anyway. You dont have to have a facebook to show your important tho so if you feel your a slave to it, then you should def consider deactivating for a little (just my opinion).

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