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Interesting how this sites tagline is... getting back to your true self.

I thought this was interesting. I took the Meyers Brigg test shortly after I quit when i still didn't know who i was off adderall yet, still feeling 'lost' about everything, and I was an ISFP....just now I took the $100 plus version for class and I am an ESTJ...(a few weeks ago I took the free test and was an EFTJ)

Correct me if I'm wrong. That is 180 drastic change.

What I found interesting is that INFP and ESTJ are polar opposites. I was an ISFP which sounds pretty close to INFP. I'm figuring that my personality type when I was ISFP was much closer to my adderall addicted personality type then the current one ESTJ.

I recommend the comprehensive test if you are willing to pay the money and want a report with a more in depth explanation of your personality type. There are probably more questions on the comprehensive test and you can get maybe a more accurate MBTI result. I also took something called the emotional iq test. I read that addicts score very low on emotional iq tests compared to the average. So when we quit, our emotional iq goes up.

What i'm trying to get at, i think, is that we as addicts are a lot different than we are off adderall and true drug free personalities come forward. Mike had written a lot about this. I guess my data is just one more example to back up what he's been saying.

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Thanks for posting this, InRecovery. It is pretty interesting and you know what? I was thinking about the way you write and the way you tell stories in your life and I had thought it was surprising to me that you would be an "I"... you refer often to your family, other people, relationships with professors and other students etc. I think more "I" people tend to be those who focus more on their inner thoughts and reflections. Not that you don't do that already, but true introverts tend to do it more. So it's great that the real you is coming back or out or something!

One of the most interesting things I remember from taking the MBTI was their definition of "introvert" vs "extrovert"... that it's not about being SHY or SOCIABLE, but rather where you get your energy from. For example, does the idea of going to a big party with lots of people you know fill you with energy or not? If you've spent all day working with people would you prefer to then go to the bar and relax with them for an hour or two, or go home and spend time alone to recuperate? These are the definitional differences between introverts and extroverts.

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No, I never took it before adderall. But I just got out of class and I is seeming to me like a very adderall-centric trait, i think. We learned that I's are the type that can lock themselves in a room for three hours straight with no breaks. (sound familiar?) I's are what our professor said 'stimulated from within' and focused on 'inner world of thoughts and reflections' (sound familiar)... I'm not saying it is a fact, but It is now occurring to me more how adderall could potentially turn E's into I's. We had a ton of I's in the MBTI post and I'm wondering if some them are actually Es...??????

Oh, and yeah. the free test was not far off at all...

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I am an introvert. Adderall made me more extraverted for the first year on it, then after awhile I became more introverted AND antisocial. Like MFA said, introverted just means you need alone time to recharge your batteries, not that you're neurotic or antisocial. Most people fall somewhere between the spectrum and aren't one extreme or another.

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I was an ISTJ when I was on Adderall..and before Adderall I was an "INTJ" and now that I've been off a while, I'm still an "INTJ."

I've taken the test a million times, the majority of the time, I get "INTJ"..It seems to suit me better than being an ISTJ, most ISTJ's I know are completely predictable and they're all "rule abiding, good citizen" type people. That isn't me in the slightest.

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