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Omega 3 leveled me out

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In case anybody's interested, here's my experiences with Omega 3.

I had experimented with Fish Oil before, but never really got consistent about it.

The day I decided to really try Omega 3: One day, I was on a tech support call walking a middle-aged woman through a complicated task related to her website (like trying to teach your mom something more complicated than HTML over the phone). I went on several tangents and dismissed them by saying "You don't have to remember this; I'll put the really necessary stuff in my notes for you."

After I was done, I asked her to try to go through the process on her own. To my surprise, she hit every step with perfect accuracy, even the tangents. I asked her if she took notes. Nope. So I said, half-jokingly, "Well your memory is phenomenal. What, do you take a gallon of Omega 3 every day?". To this she replied: "Yes, actually. Every day for at least 10 years."

Plus I've read reports that regular fish oil intake actually leads to structural brain changes (bigger ventricles or something).

For the last 6 months, I've taken Omega 3 daily in various forms. I have landed on Nordic Naturals products because of their high concentration and thoughtful, fish-taste-killing lemon juice.

Here's the stuff I've tried...

  1. Fish Oil - Couldn't get used to swallowing a spoonful of disgusting fish oil every day. Always forgot, and eventually gave up.
  2. Generic Omega 3 - Low price and crap quality meant I didn't even finish the bottle.
  3. Nordic Naturals Complete Omega + EPA (separate bottles)
  4. Nordic Naturals Complete Omega + DHA (separate bottles)
  5. Nordic Naturals Ultimate Omega

When I first started taking Omega 3 regularly I had regular bouts of extreme depression, and occasional bouts of mania (kind of like mild bipolar). It may be other factors, but since taking regular, high-concentration doses Omega 3 I feel much more level. Fewer bouts of depression, and fewer bouts of mania as well.

With the Omega 3 + EPA specifically I felt like I was on a mild dose of prozac or something after about a month.

Anyhow, I'm happy with the effects that I feel Omega 3 has had on me, and intend to keep taking it for the foreseeable future. Now that it has helped stabilize my mood, hopefully it'll help prevent age-related brain decline, which I grow increasingly paranoid about.

Incidentally, I now take a regular dose of Nordic Naturals Ultimate Omega, which is about 1000mg Omega 3 with also high concentrations of DHA and EPA.

If I had unlimited money, I would probably have stayed on a 1.5 dose of NN Complete Omega as well as a normal dose of concentrated EPA, as that seemed to work best, even though DHA is supposed to be the brain-boosting one.

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  • 4 weeks later...
How do you feel about the Costco brand fish oil omega tabs ?

I haven't tried that one, but if the label is accurate, that sounds like a pretty high-concentration mix. Maybe I could switch to that and save myself some money over Nordic Naturals...

Although I'm not sure I could give up the nice lemon flavor that NordicNaturals adds. Totally eliminates fish burps. :D

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