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Scared of withdrawal....


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Im really scared of withdrawal. I have been on dexedrine for 6 months at a dose of 30 mgs. I know it's not adderall but the effects and thus withdrawal are reportedly very similar. Im scared of being less functional than i already am. I hear horror stories of people being bed ridden for weeks unable to do anything. Are there those out there who were up and about and getting things done in a few days? I have to do this regardless because i feel absolutely souless and spaced out on this crap. Any feedback would be much appreciated.

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The first few days are exhausting to say the least. My body was sore from top to bottom just from laying in bed so long. After the 3rd day you just have to force yourself to start moving, do anything but don't lay down if you don't have to. You will have bouts of energy after a very long morning of sleepiness. Just be kind to yourself, your body is weaning itself off a very dangerous, addictive drug and will thank you once it is rid of this chemical nightmare they call a cure for ADHD - what a joke! What it is a cure for is getting the Pharma companies rich by creating more addicts to their product.

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Dear Manic,

You should give yourself at least three days of not having to leave the house and not doing a goddam thing. You won't feel like getting out of bed or off the couch. It will be like having the flu for a few days. I was functional enough to go to work by day four. After that, I began that long climb up the gradual slope to normalcy - and that could take a year or longer from what I've been able to learn around here. I think the recovery period is directly proportional to the amount of speed you did and for how long. If you were only on dexies for six months, I predict you will bounce back pretty quick. Take some time to plan your quit and give yourself enough time to recover. You only get one chance to quit once so don't screw it up.

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