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Caring for animals

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I also totally agree. I have spent a lot of time with the dog of my neighbor I used to live by, and it brought so much happiness to me. It's a King Charles cavalier (kind of irrelevant), but it's a great breed. I will be getting one as soon as I can have a pet at my place. Excellent point you brought up here. I know we have pet lovers on this site. I believe Cassie fosters dogs, and I know quit once has a dog he does everything with. Would be interested in their input too! Going through early recovery I would just sleep with the dog by my side, and it brought a sense of peace.

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The positive affect on health from having pets is well-documented. Just petting an animal lowers your blood pressure and or heart rate by at least ten clicks. MFA said that petting an animal realease the feel good hormone oxytocin in people and in the pet being petted. The responsibility is a good thing because it helps you to focus on other things besides your own recovery issues. It gives one a sense of purpose and importance to be responsible for the life of another being. When my mom died of old age she was survived by her pet cat and pet tortoise of 45 years. Pets add quality to your life. I am kinda funny about animals being in their place - like I do not let my dog onto the funiture or lick me on the mouth and I am a one pet person. My dog shares almost all of my non-working life with me. My dog was still kind of a puppy when I quit adderall so it took extra patience not to get angry with her for just doing puppy things, but the support and companionship I got from my dog during early recovery was essential for my sanity, happiness and well-being.

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