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12 days off of adderall & I feel amazing


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So it's been 12 days since I found this website and made the decision to quit adderall forever. I made the decision to get my life back. I'll admit, I've been tired and my appetite is back..but these are both worth it because I can feel my spirit coming back as well.


For the first time in years, I'm crying from laughing and not just forcing a smile b.c of being an emotionless adderall zombie. I genuinely have passion for things. I was worried I wouldnt have any interest in science anymore b.c I was on adderall during my entire college career to earn a BA in Biology. But I find myself still reading articles online about topics I loved in college as well. It takes more concentration to read the articles, but it's so much better to feel interested instead of "zoned out".


My tics that I always had on adderall have gotten better so therefore I'm in less neck and joint pain. I'm not obsessed with cracking my joints. 


Today I cleaned my entire room and it was the 1st time in years that I wasnt doing it after an adderall binge. I genuinely just wanted a clean room.


The best decision I have made in my 23 years of living was to go off of adderall. It's a perfect way to bring in the new year. I hope that anyone else who is addicted and struggling realizes that even 12 days off of adderall can make you feel like you are a different person. It's amazing.

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Oh, also! I have 3 tips that have gotten me through the past 12 days.


1. If you are tired, sleep. I hate sleeping my day away because it feels like a waste of a day. But I also know that my body is recovering from a long period of amphetamine abuse. It needs time to heal. So I sleep whenever my body tells me to.


2. If you are hungry, eat. Adderall is essentially a pill of sugar that depletes your appetite. It's been so long since I have enjoyed food this much. I'm allowing myself 30 days to eat as much as I want before I decide to start exercising and dieting. 


3. Live life a day at a time. Every hour that you resist any temptation is an hour of success. Eventually, the hours turn into days which will turn into weeks. At times of weakness, I've turned to my friends. When i told my coworkers I was quitting adderall, they supported me and highfived me. They've looked over my lack of energy and mental lapses because I explained to them that every day I am getting better and healing from my addiction.


Hope these help!

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quit-once, i just couldnt stand being a zombie to adderall anymore. It really hit me over these past few months because I was no longer in college anymore but living at home and taking a class. When I went to college, the 4 years I abused adderall wasnt unusual on the college campus. Alot of my friends were doing it. So I thought my behavior was normal. I've now realized that its far from normal. I felt like my life revolved around adderall and I was just going through the motions of life. I wasn't actually living my life. Not only that, but every time someone told me I was a "genius" for getting straight A's in hard biology classes I didnt actually felt like I deserved that compliment. I contributed my success to adderall. I'm tired of that.


What keeps me going is somethign that I read in one of the forums on the day I decided to quit. It said something along the lines of "If you don't quit today than you will continue to become worse and worse of an adderall junkie." It hit me that I don't want this to be the rest of my life. I'm about to apply to Physician Assistant school and my addiction will only get worse. I'm about to be 24 years old, it's time to get control of my life and it's time to accept that I might not always get perfect grades, but I can still achieve my goals while enjoying life to the fullest. 


Off topic of the questions you've asked me. I've found that over the past 2 weeks I've become so passionate about random things. I want to redo my room and I've been finding a bunch of crafts to take on. I read a book for 45 minutes and if I lose focus and want to sleep, I let myself take a nap. I just decided to learn an instrument. Little things that require small attention spans and reward me for my concentration. It's been great!

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Congratulations for seizing the opportunity to change your life.  Adderall didn't make you any smarter than you naturally are, it just motivated you to do things that are not always fun.  It is possible that many of the things you were passionate about while taking a stimulant drug will be less interesting during your recovery.  It is good that you have found new passions already at such an early stage of your recovery.

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