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Freedom's Wings

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Day 23 confirmed.  My sleeping pattern is pretty much returned to normal (with the help of melatonin).  More importantly, I usually wake up naturally after between 6-8 hours sleep.

First 30 seconds or so right after I walk out my door each morning is pure bliss.  Breathing in the cold fresh air just does something for me I guess.  Right after that I'll begin thinking about adderall, how it would make this even *MORE* awesome.....  I'm not REALLY addicted, not anymore......   maybe in a couple more weeks I can get some more.....

You guys probably know how this goes.  Anyway things are noticeably better than a week ago.  Kind of getting back to my old self again.

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Day 26 confirmed.  Thanks so much Justin.  It helps to think of all you guys and your success.

Im some ways it's getting harder.  I was thinking about adderall a LOT yesterday, and spent probably at least an hour plotting ways to get my hands on some.  The bottom line is I have no access so it can't happen thankfully.


All I know is I'm way happier not on it.  But when those cravings hit... man...  it's like I don't have a brain anymore.


Knowing that I am accountable to you guys helps me so much.  I would hate to think of you guys having wasted all that energy trying to encourage me just so I can willingly throw it all away and fail again.

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Day 26 confirmed.  Thanks so much Justin.  It helps to think of all you guys and your success.

Im some ways it's getting harder.  I was thinking about adderall a LOT yesterday, and spent probably at least an hour plotting ways to get my hands on some.  The bottom line is I have no access so it can't happen thankfully.


All I know is I'm way happier not on it.  But when those cravings hit... man...  it's like I don't have a brain anymore.


Knowing that I am accountable to you guys helps me so much.  I would hate to think of you guys having wasted all that energy trying to encourage me just so I can willingly throw it all away and fail again.

I like watching your turtle slowly approaching the one month mark.  You're doing great!

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Thank you for your support.  I specifically chose the turtle because it feels like it's taking forever.

I am currently going through the week from hell and it is far from over. 

(The week (as in Monday to Friday) is 80% over but I'm far below 50% completion of what I needed to accomplish by Saturday.  Tonight and tomorrow is going to be very hard.  I've been fantasizing all day about popping a pill (but alas I don't have any...)


I hope things will be better after this weekend, but I honestly feel like I'm just a ticking time bomb, and that it's just a matter of time before I break down and refill.  I hope that if I can just make it past the two month mark I will start to feel like I have my head above water and will be looking forward rather than backwards.

I feel like for some reason I had a week or so where it was really easy to be positive so I wasn't visiting this site much for a while.


Sorry this is probably not the right thread for this; I just needed to bitch and moan for a bit.

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Went for a refreshing shower and an evening walk and indulged in an evening of fine dining at Denny's.  Getting away from the internet boosted productivity dramatically.  Outlook significantly improved with fresh air.  Walks are amazing.  Day 27 coming to a close and essentially confirmed.

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Well, Day 30 confirmed.  I still feel like I'm a ticking time bomb sometimes.  i hope I can keep this up, and if I can it's only because of you guys.  Thanks all.

Congratulations, Roobiki!  It will be a long journey, but you have one hell of a good start.  Every time you feel a moment of weakness coming on, just remember your major reasons for quitting and how many times it took trying to quit before you finally got here (at 30+days).  Go treat yourself to something special today!

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Day 20 for me of quitting ritalin / concerta / focalin.


This is the longest I have been off in  4 years or so and ive tried before but couldnt break the 10 day mark.


I still have a ton of the stuff (eg i have not thrown my medication away) so it is very tempting. I am still a mess and have gotten little to nothing that I have wanted to do done over these past 20 days.


I have dysthymia too (chronic low grade depression) so quitting this doesnt help much either. 


Ill try my best to stick it out to day 30. The physical cravings are long gone at this point so hopefully it will not be that bad

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Congratulations on breaking your new record.  I won't try to give advice because I don't know your situation, but if I had pills available I wouldn't have made it 20 days without taking any.  I wish you the best and hope you feel better!  Keep posting. :)

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Congratulations on breaking your new record.  I won't try to give advice because I don't know your situation, but if I had pills available I wouldn't have made it 20 days without taking any.  I wish you the best and hope you feel better!  Keep posting. :)


Still going strong. Feeling a LOT better now than I did on the last post of mine. I still have the pills available but would not have been able to make it to day 20 without taking a vacation. I went on a two week vacation and did not bring any medication with me which really helped (especially the physical part of the wds). 


I am looking forward to my 1 month without them.. Which should be on this upcoming Tuesday. Good stuff!


One thing I am worried about is that I have a board exam in June that I am not sure if I will be able to study for it without the Ritalin. Would require me to be on it for 3 weeks for study purposes.  I will see what my mental state is in May. 

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  • 1 month later...

I'm so glad you joined us!!


You are a fantastic person. :)

You don't sound crazy.  Just hang in there and try to relax.  Try to just forget about DOING Shit for a while and just BE. :)


Every day you go without giving in to those little piece of shit pills is a HUGE victory and you should celebrate it (with a snack!).

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