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Ashley sorry I didn't mean to move the conversation to my interview!

If you take this job it is not like you have to stay there if you don't like it. You can always keep looking as the others mentioned. Is your main reservation simply that you are afraid working in triggery areas?

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I cannot see u just relapsing without recognizing the warning signs and posting here for support if you begin to notice the job may push u to a relapse. If we get to that bridge then you can just leave the job and find something new and take preventative measures against any potential relapse. I think this an excellent transition for u. Also are you working for the state government because I've heard state govt jobs have really good health insurance, pensions plans and stability.

THE ONLY THING is that you got two offers in less than three weeks which is totally remarkable and I am curious to see if u could land several more and then have your pick of several jobs to choose from which is always the ideal situation. Maybe a different one would pay more and interest u more? 2 offers in Less than three weeks lol. You are awesome. You need to write a book on interviewing so I can read it!

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It's a company that the government hires, but it's not directly for the government. It's a for profit company. I have a friend of a friend that knows a few people that work there, and she said they're "miserable." I think I do recognize triggers and would come here in a second for help. I want to be 100% sure about a job....but that's probably not going to happen.

I truly think I got lucky in these interviews, or they really needed people, because I'm not that good. If they gave me scenarios and asked off the wall questions like you get, I'd never get a flippin job!!!

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I got a call from the job I've been thinking about taking for a week or so now. He said he needed a decision today, so I weighed my options, pros/cons, and I took it! I start April 7. I'm really excited to get started in my field! I think this next step is what I need....I'm not locked into the job forever, so I think it's a good place to start. I'm thankful for this thread that motivated me :)

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Hey guys,

Sorry I've been a little MIA on this forum… but it looks like InRecovery and Ashley are DOING amazing! Congrats on the job Ashley and the 3rd interview InRecovery!

Usually I've heard if they send someone somewhere for an interview and are already spending money on you, you have a pretty good chance!

I applied for 2 jobs yesterday and will hopefully have that other interview in about a week. It's in FL and I drive down on Monday! Wish me luck guys, first long distance road trip without Adderall.

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I got a call from the job I've been thinking about taking for a week or so now. He said he needed a decision today, so I weighed my options, pros/cons, and I took it! I start April 7. I'm really excited to get started in my field! I think this next step is what I need....I'm not locked into the job forever, so I think it's a good place to start. I'm thankful for this thread that motivated me :)

Woohoooo!!! Ashley by the time you have worked there for two or three years I will STILL ABE POSTING ON THIS THREAD trying to get something.

I am very proud of u!! This is an excellent start for a brand new career path! I look forward to hearing how it goes!!

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Just checking in. My full day of interviews is on Friday and I'm so nervous already.

I am fully prepared for it not working out for me , it's very competitive program for mbas, and I have plans be drinking my sorrows away when I don't hear back after my interviews.

I had an informational interview today and got a lead on a possible position for the summer which I think would be interesting. I also set up an info interview Tuesday with someone who is doing exactly what I want to get into, so I hope to get some good advice and leads.

I have basically a month left to get an internship. Th Friday interview is probably my last shot, because I'm not getting anymore interviews despite applying. And the number of internship openings is quickly dwindling down. but everyone is saying my search is good experience for the REAL job search which I plan to begin very very early. Unlike the internship search which I started pretty late in the process.

I am thinking when I have time maybe over the summer of tinkering with my resume to see if I can make myself look a little better on paper. I also plan to try to read interview books and stuff this week.

Ashley do u start soon?

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Hey guys,

Sorry I've been a little MIA on this forum… but it looks like InRecovery and Ashley are DOING amazing! Congrats on the job Ashley and the 3rd interview InRecovery!

Usually I've heard if they send someone somewhere for an interview and are already spending money on you, you have a pretty good chance!

I applied for 2 jobs yesterday and will hopefully have that other interview in about a week. It's in FL and I drive down on Monday! Wish me luck guys, first long distance road trip without Adderall.

Good luck tomorrow sweetcarolinee!!

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Good luck SweetCarolinee, although I'm sure that you won't need LUCK!


My concern with starting the job search now is 3 sided:

#1  It's a distraction from my schoolwork.  The job search is littered with ambiguity and I have been conditioned to focus on solving the issue at hand during times of uncertainty which could stagnate my studies.

#2  What happens if I find the perfect opportunity while I'm still in school?  The first 6 months of a job are so critical to getting in the groove that I would want to focus on that which will limit my chances for success in school.


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Couple informational interviews today. I tracked down my former marketing professor. And found a guy who worked at Kraft Foods Marketing to help me prep for my day of marketing interviews on Friday. I also scheduled an interview prep session with marketing professor from last semester for Thursday.


As for school, I have been studying like crazy so my grades dont slip anymore!!! I got one of my worst grades so far since Ive been here!!. I have an exam Thursday that I plan to study from now until 1am - I will not fail it. The exam is the day before i fly out for the interviews.


I got another interview scheduled for Monday for a marketing/finance internship. So at least if the Friday one doesnt pan out I have another chance. I want to go in being relaxed and confidant friday though!

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I am so nervous. How am i going to walk in confidant on Friday? I was so confidant in the beginning, when i got my first internship the guy said i was the most polished interview he has ever encountered. That confidence carried over into the next interview which i passed with flying colors. then my confidence has devolved from there.


Does anyone have advice?????


I dont know whether to study for my exam tomorrow or try to prepare for interviews.


Someone said if I go in as myself and I dont get it, then it probably wasnt a good fit for me anyway and I probably wouldn't have been happy there.

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