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I just wanna know what everyone else has been taking to crutch the adderall gap.

I assume you mean the energy gap?  Right after quitting, I found these pills at GNC called Thermo Burst Hard Core that has herbs and caffeine.  Every time I craved a (Adderall) pill I just took one or two of those spicy red pills.  I also used 5 hour energy, vitamin B-12 sub-lingual tabs, and lots of coffee for the energy gap.  I had developed a pill habit on Adderall - whenever I got tired or needed a boost I would just take more Adderall.  So having something (that was not a drug) to take that gave me a feeling of instant energy really helped to bridge the transition from an addiction to a more normal life.  After about a year I lost the need for an energy supplement or a quick fix for laziness. 

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I have recently discovered Monster Energy Ultra Blue...I can only drink this one because I have developed a nasty allergy to most artificial sweeteners and this one does not give me a headache (yet).  I tried a B vitamin plus caffeine thing from GNC and it was causing me to have headaches.  Nothing really helps, but the monster does for a few hours.  I need to exercise more (at all) and build up my metabolism, but I am still really lazy and just trying to get through the day is a challenge sometimes.Vicious, Vicious cycle...

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  • 2 months later...

Phenibut no more than twice a week for anxiety and lethargy. Kratom daily, mostly as a replacement for my former opiate habit (not recommended daily, physical dependency). I also do fish oil and magnesium daily. Phenylpiracetam, noopept or sunifiram for busy days. Caffein and nicotine forever.

L-tyrosine and DL-Phenylalanine haven't provided noticeable results yet, but I'm still going with it.

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  • 3 months later...

Coffee or tea throughout day, and a B-complex daily. Not daily, but do take extra Calcium and Magnesium powder that you mix with warm water, its called Natural Calm. Natural Calm helps me with headaches and anxiety.  I have to tell you the taste is not great, I picked the lemon/raspberry one and its better than plain.  I just mix it let it cool down and guzzle it down quickly.

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  • 1 month later...

L-tyrosine for dopamine boost, Wellbutrin (been on that for years), True Focus and l-theanine (anxiety). These have made my adderall quit pretty easy, and I was taking 250mg a day most days. I throw in the occasional sugar free red bull if needed, but this has been my magic combo 👌ðŸ»

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  • 4 weeks later...

Running outside has cured a lot of things for me. Multivitamin, fish oil, vitamin D are good.  Going to get on L-tyrosine too soon.  I was more of a caffeine junkie while I was on stimulants because I enjoyed the lasting effect more but when I am not on it I feel too jittery.  Weird right but that's how my mind and body works.  But if I do want some caffeine I drink the white monster sugar free drinks or black coffee that isn't that strong.

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  • 2 months later...

Sleep, sleep, and more sleep. Now that I'm out of that phase, taking iron has been a HUGE deal for my energy. Part of my initial attraction to Adderall was that it fought the constant fatigue I was feeling.


Fast forward two years later, and I finally had blood tests showing that I'm anemic. Would have been great to know that two years ago! I'm now taking 50 mg of iron every night and can feel the effects within 2-3 days of when I stop or start taking it. (It might be a placebo effect, but hell, I'll take it.) 


Tip: If you're looking into an iron supplement, check the dosage! Some supplements only have a fraction of the iron you need in a day, which I learned the hard way when iron wasn't doing anything. Also, the liquid gels type is easier on the stomach.


I also use caffeine as needed, but try to keep it in check. Usually two cups of coffee in the morning and, if needed, one or two sugar-free Red Bulls in the afternoon.

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As previously stated, multivitamins, fish oil etc. etc. definitely help.  Exercise (not just cardio, lift weights).  Also I cannot stress enough how important eating healthy is.  You will not only look and feel better, but making yourself get off your ass and cook your own food every day will get you in a routine and help you achieve a more hands-on go-get em' attitude. 


Some people say meditation, but I don't have the patience for that shit so I can't attest to its potency.  Just do your best not to replace Adderall with an alternative unhealthy habit (sugar-filled energy drinks, excessive caffeine, etc. etc.)  It sounds cliche but mind over matter is some serious shit.  Just make yourself do things.  Good luck brotha.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

It's been a couple weeks off adderal and everyday even with working out I've felt blah most of the day. I stopped pop a couple weeks ago but still had sugar in my morning coffee and sweat tea most of the day. Well I made a decision two days ago no sugar in coffee or tea. I'm not overweight by any means but felt something is dragging me down. I gotta say even just two days I've felt much much better. I'm not going to completely go nuts over stopping sugar in food but rarely do I eat sweets and if I keep feeling better with the total deduction of sugar from beverages I might turn into a no sugar freak which is way better than a adderal/ oxy junkie. I would highly suggest at the very least do not drink anything with sugar. I also would stay away from diet pop I really feel for some reason diet soda is linked to cancer and one day the truth will be out fully. I limit my grain intake also I do notice eating a bagel in the morning just drags me down switching to protein shakes for breakfast and coffee with no sugar but still like half and half in it. Nothing beyond buying meth will replace the rush of adderal it's a matter of being ok with what you are and beleive you can do anything needed without pills. No you will not have crazy all nighters knocking out a to do list but you'll live a lot longer and happier by not doing so.

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I think sugar is evil.  I gave up sugar, flour and milk about three years ago -  not completely, but I really try to limit my consumption of those three white foods.  I feel really bad when I over-indulge processed carbs.  My rule of thumb is to limit sugar to less than ten grams per serving and total processed carbs to about 15 grams.  If the carbs are natural then I don't need to limit them as much - like rice or potatoes.  Also, I try to limit my intake of foods made with wheat.

Diet soda? I think it is better than sugar sweetened drinks but still not good. 

Fried foods / fast foods are terrible.

My eating routine forces me to eat at home whenever possible - at least 90% of the time.  But at least I can read the labels and know what is in the food I eat.  I eat like I am diabetic, even though I am not, and I really enjoy my food choices, especially the veggies. 

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I quit all grains, sugar, carbs except from two small servings of fruit/day.  I feel so much better.  It is hard to watch others eat delicious looking carb filled meals, but I can do it.  A taco salad minus the shell is great!  Diet sodas are the devil.  They give me crushing migraines.  I drink coffee with half and half, no sugar ever.  It is a difficult lifestyle at first, and I do have to prepare my food at home instead of eating out.  And, movies suck without popcorn.  But, the energy and improved gut/bowel issues make it worth the effort/struggle.  Plus, it is fun to be the jerky friend who says "is that grain free?"  LOL

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Nah, I don't care about calories.  I eat when I am hungry until I am satisfied.  And, since I don't eat wheat, I am not constantly craving more junk.  Wheat is an appetite stimulant and makes you want more, more, MORE.  When you stop having it, you stop wanting it...after a week or so.  lol  I know what I have eaten today and yesterday, but I don't write it down.  I know what not to eat, so I avoid those things and just eat to live.

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I will tell you that I had to quit all carbs except cruciferous vegetables and one small serving of berries per day in order to lose weight.  I don't eat any grains, including corn, rice, etc.  Also, no potatoes or bananas.  If you eat a bunch of fruit, then you will gain weight.  It is, after all, just sugar to your bod.  I live on ice water with La Croix water mixed in.  I feel amazing!  I routinely do 12,000 steps per day and have started running again.  I am sure I will have more slumps, but I am enjoying the hell out of life right now.

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I discovered the low carb lifestyle about three years ago.  I Started by reading the Adkins book and limiting all carbs to less than 25 grams per day.  That was a pretty tough carb restriction and it only worked for about six weeks.  I have kept a food journal a couple of times since then, once for over six months.  It helped me realize the calorie content and carb count of all the foods I like, and fine-tune the portion sizes.  The increase in my energy levels and positive mood when I began Adkins was amazing.  Now it is just normal and I take it for granted but whenever I fuck up and have a carb binge if makes me feel really bad.


Three years later, and I am still living a low carb lifestyle because those are the kind of foods I prefer.  I accept the seasonal weight gain of 5-10 lbs in the winter and loose it in the summer from being more active.   I am not anti-wheat, but I am fascinated by all of its bad publicity, thanks in a large part to your postings, Always Awsome.    

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