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I tried to start a thread about depression a couple of weeks ago but "something went wrong" and I lost the entire post.

I never did try to retype it - such a downer topic but depression is so very real for people recovering from Adderall.   Almost three weeks ago I experienced  a brief, but intense bout of depression that lasted about three days.  When it first came on it took me by surprise and I didn't even recognize it as depression.  After all, I had no reasons for being depressed and I couldn't accept that it was PAWS or anything related to my past Adderall use over four years ago.   But I googled  "depression symptoms" and I had most of them, especially the lack of energy and motivation, lack of enjoyment from things I usually like doing, intense feelings of anxiety for no real reason, and loss of appetite.  I have had it before but it was usually related to something bad that happened in life, but not always.  On the website that listed the symptoms of depression (WebMD) it also suggested taking St Johns Wort to treat mild depression.  I was desperate for something, because L-Tyrosine and fish oil weren't working anymore.  So I tried it out, went someplace else for the weekend, and the depression abated.  Side effects were the nasty taste of it and enhanced sunburn.  Photosensitivity is listed as a possible side effect on the bottle. 

I just had a hard time accepting that I was depressed, in the middle of a great summer for no apparent reason.  Might have been something astrological or maybe just a brief chemical imbalance.  I only took the supplement for a day or two and I think it did help me to get back to a better mood. 

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