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Getting off adderall and saving any relationship you may have


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Ok guys, without going into crazy details in wondering if anyone has any experience or input on this.

I've been in a relationship with someone for a very long time. however I met someone new over a year ago and have this crazy bond with this new person I've never had w anyone before.

Before I started tapering my addy I thought I wanted to move away and be w this new guy. However, now that I'm tapering, I feel like idk if that's what u want. However, I don't want to be w my current partner either.

Idk if it's bc I'm tired and depressed but I feel like I just don't care. Like period. I don't care. If I stop and think about it, I think my heart does care and still wants the new guy, but my mind is just like eff that. I feel like I have no motivation and again, don't care.

I feel like idk what I want, who I want. I feel like I'm guessing and doubting everything that I thought I want. I'm scared of change too so that's not helping.

You guys, I'm having a hard time figuring out what's real right now. I don't know what I'm feeling and very, very, confused.

Feel like since I started tapering I just pushed everyone pretty much away. I'm more quiet and don't want to talk to anyone...

What was your quitting like if you were in a relationship at the time? How did the quitting of the drugs affect your relationship? And your mind frame about he relationship??

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I can definitely relate. I've been with my boyfriend for about a year and a half, so I started the relationship while I was still using Adderall. I started questioning the relationship while I was still taking Adderall (usually when I was crashing or going a day without Adderall). And since quitting, I have found I don't want to be with my boyfriend (or anyone at all, for that matter)... I just want to be alone. I feel like a relationship takes too much effort at this point... effort that I don't have to give... because I just don't care. It's a sad way to feel. But at the same time, I can't break up with my boyfriend because I don't think I can quit Adderall and go through a break up at the same time. I don't want to be with him, but the thought of not having him around is too much for my mind to even process right now. I'm sure I didn't help too much with your confusion... because I'm confused too. But at least I can say I can definitely relate to how you're feeling. 

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Here's the deal.  This is a process and it's going to take some time to adjust to figuring out who you are without this stimulant.  I would recommend no major changes in your life that are going to cause any additional stress during this period.  Keep everything the same until you feel a sense of normalcy in your life again and feel grounded.  You are not in the right frame of mind to make life altering decisions, changes, and all that stuff. Just keep it very simple right now and as easy as possible.  


Adderall is euphoric. It makes you feel like you love everything and everyone when you're high.  It's easy to get caught up with someone for all the wrong reasons.  You are tweaking out and like doing cart wheels when you're on speed.  But then the crash comes and you suddenly you are down in the dumps and deeply discouraged, depressed, and feel like a mac truck ran over you.   Both of these periods of highs and lows are not reality.  The way you are feeling is a direct result of being on and off this drug.  Within time you'll start to come back to a place of homeostasis.  Once you reach that point of emotional stability and achieve an overall sense of well being again, then feel free to make the harder decisions.  Until then, just try to take it easy and don't worry too much about the sense of doom and gloom you may feel right now.  It will pass. 

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