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What made you finally quit? What was your breaking point?


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I quit by "mistake" in ways. I was many days sick in bed with extreme nausea due to stress/meds, impacting my GERD. When so sick I could barely get out of bed I chose not to take adderall as it did not help my symptoms. I now suddenly realize that not taking

m usual 30-60mg/day, or more! - made me even more ill with many symptoms of withdrawl

The Dr who so easily prescribed lots of adderall for me over 7+ years did notvhav decency to explain drug when withdrawl. He was just so thrilled he'd not have prescribe any more. I am angry!

ANGER easy during withdrawal. Now going tonight try taper a little -close de the cold turkey by no fully. I have/will ask him m for one more refill. Let's see!

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It took not one, but two hospital stays for amphetamine induced psychosis for me to realize that I had a problem with Adderall. I could have died on both occasions because I was behaving so insanely. I took this addiction all the way to losing my sense of reality and almost dying. Fuck Adderall. There is no way in hell that this drug is good for anyone. I don't care what they think they are getting in terms of 'benefits.' This drug is just another way for the drug companies to make money off of people.

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I just wasn't feeling well ever and always feeling numb inside. I also developed GERD after being on Adderall for 15 years but it is much better off of it. I was also having weird heart palpitations that seem to be fixed now that I'm off it.

It's been almost a month since I quit and while I'm struggling mentally, my body feels much more relaxed and happy.

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I always had an intuition that what I was doing to my body wasn't good for me in the long run. I mean, I could feel the blood "whooshing" through my carotid when the meds would kick in. However, what ultimately made me stop was realizing the damage I was doing to my close relationships. My girlfriend revealed to me that she couldn't stand being around me when the meds were wearing off (or even when I was peaking, as I was edgy and argumentative). One event in particular made me stop all at once, it's embarrassing to think how I reacted to it in retrospect. I got a call one night at about 7pm that my father was hit by a truck when he was crossing the street (he ended up being okay, but I didn't know that at the time). I listened to what my mother said, I asked "Is he alive?" she paused and said "Yes but.. well.. do you want to.. you know.. come down here?" (the hospital was 30 mins away) and I responded with "Nah, he sounds like he's doing okay" and I said I gotta go and hung up, and went right back to playing my computer game. My girlfriend asked what happened and was stunned when I told her.. stunned that I just didn't give a shit.. and I got pissed and just ignored her because I was doing well that particular game I was playing. That's when I realized this drug turned me into an emotionally apathetic motive driven monster who didn't give a shit about anyone or anything that didn't pique my interest at the time.

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First time I quit because I got pregnant and I stayed clean for two more years after that to breastfeed my child. 

Stupidly I decided to pick the habit up once again after I weened my two year old. 

This time I quit because I developed a horrific and painful case of vein disease in my legs. I highly suspect adderall caused early onset of this disease and exasterbated this chronic health issue which I will be dealing with for the rest of my life.   At the end of the day my legs and feet are so tired they feel like they will explode. and I've been clean one month.  

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COMBO of all of the below, but ultimately it was my 2nd trip in a squad to the ER for an adderall overdose followed by 2nd trip to psych ward that lead to my final quit. #6years 3 months

1) 2 psych ward trips - should've been raped and killed during one of these episodes by a stranger

2) Destroyed reputation at work

3) Car Accident

4) Toxic relationships that became abusive

5) Constant paranoia, agitation, hostility, and hallucinations at times that made me feel bat shit crazy

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