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Anyone try Qualia?!

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This nootropic blend is a little expensive at around $100 a month depending on which one you buy. They reccomend no more than 5 days a week use. I have tried it and it seems to give me a boost both energy and cognitive however when I take daily yes those benefits fade a bit. So now I am trying to just take it on the mornings that I am extra tired or feel ing low and it does seem to help... Maybe worth a try, the reviews are also pretty good if you search around.

https://neurohacker.com/qualia-mind?keyword=%2Bqualia %2Bsupplement&matchtype=b&network=g&device=m&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI6eq4itWA2wIVBarsCh3UHwXwEAAYASAAEgIUsvD_BwE


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I hear you... Although I have tried dozens of supplements and combinations in the last year looking for anything to ease the lows and nothing really helped at all. There has been some placebo effect within vitamins I have took however it’s proven false as on the good days you are hopeful in the new recipe of supplements and possibly in a better optimistic mood as a result. A day or two later you find yourself just as low as the day you ordered them. 

This one has stood out for me among the rest... Maybe the price alone has a placebo effect! I will see how I feel about at the end of this bottle to decide if I am going to order more... I would encourage a try if anyone is desperate like I have been at times...

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I’ve spent a lot of money on these kind of things my first two years. However never $100 per bottle. You really don’t know what’s in this crap most ingredients are from China. If it bumps you up some who knows could possibly have a little decongestant medication in it which U can buy pretty cheap at a drug store yourself. My opinion your getting a placebo effect or it contains a mild stimulant and your wasting your money. 

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Could be right. These vitamin companies are good at marketing and explaining what each ingredient is and what it does though. This one is a blend of a lot of nootropics that would likely cost well over $100 to reproduce in individual form. I was most interested in the potential cognitive boost from this which I do feel, however I can say the days I have not taken it I do feel a little extra low, so that’s not a good sign either.

Ultimately we all hope for our body and brains to rebalance naturally however I am not convinced this will happen either. Seems like there must be a way to aid the process without so much guess work!

I read a study of cocaine users suffering withdrawals. Cocaine affects the dopamine system differently so the fix was to give them a single dose of amphetamine which instantly reversed the dysfunction in the dopamine system from cocaine use. Won’t work for us, however was an interesting read

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On 5/14/2018 at 9:55 AM, EricP said:

Could be right. These vitamin companies are good at marketing and explaining what each ingredient is and what it does though. This one is a blend of a lot of nootropics that would likely cost well over $100 to reproduce in individual form. I was most interested in the potential cognitive boost from this which I do feel, however I can say the days I have not taken it I do feel a little extra low, so that’s not a good sign either.

Ultimately we all hope for our body and brains to rebalance naturally however I am not convinced this will happen either. Seems like there must be a way to aid the process without so much guess work!

I read a study of cocaine users suffering withdrawals. Cocaine affects the dopamine system differently so the fix was to give them a single dose of amphetamine which instantly reversed the dysfunction in the dopamine system from cocaine use. Won’t work for us, however was an interesting read

It’s time my man it sucks I know but that’s what heals us. I don’t know if dopamine  levels slowly rise or we just forget what it’s like to function daily on speed. Lately been listing to my iTunes while working a lot of the songs bring me back to being strung out on addy listing working all night in my shop on some project. I sometimes even feel a little high while listing the minds very powerful it’s scary. I think we can all overcome this don’t hate yourself for what you did just accept it move forward and know it’s something you never want back in your life again. Try different supplements but just don’t get scammed a lot of those pill producers use highly skilled marketing teams to persuade people who are desperate for help willing to spend anything. 

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