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4 months clean but struggling with after effects


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Hello again! I am now 4 months clean from adderall! During that time I lost my job and have been job searching. I’m extremely proud of myself for not going back to adderall. (The urge was strong!) Even though I’ve been off it for a bit, I’m still struggling with the mental fog and weight gain and anxiety. Do you have any tips on how to deal with the after effects? I find I struggle a lot with interviewing and getting my point across. When I was on adderal, I seems to be able to do this effectively. I keep telling myself it will get better and I haven’t ruined my chances of getting a job by stopping the adderall. Thank you all for the support, it is very helpful. 

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first of all, congrats on 4 months!! you're past the first major hurdle of acute withdrawal, and hopefully your energy levels are stabilizing.

5 months to 1 year is unfortunately a pretty tough period. it can also be somewhat scary because things like communication that have always been effortless seem broken. that struggle with getting your point across is a very well documented experience on this forum. i struggled with writing and presenting greatly and spent a lot of time looking up words early on. the best advice i can give for things like interviews is to rehearse, rehearse and rehearse more. write out your story, use a thesaurus and keep improving it. the more of this script you internalize, the less you'll have to improvise (which is dreaded part).

it's going to be a challenge. there's no way to sugar-coat that, but you haven't ruined any chances. in fact, in quitting adderall, you have given yourself the ultimate chance to truly succeed in life (:

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Congrats to 4 months! It’s a milestone but still very early for recovery. You are on your way to a better life without Adderall. Months 5-9 will still be tough with mental fog and anxiety. It wasn’t until we’ll into year two when I felt like my old self again. I am now in year three and I find it hard to remember what those early months were like, but I know they were hell for me. Hang in there and try to enjoy the little things because one day you’ll look back and realize as shitty as this time is, you were still living your life.

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