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QuittingAdderall.com Forums

4 days and feeeling much better!


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I never thought I'd see the day that I'd quit adderall. I was just about as dependent as it gets. I've been abusing my prescription for over 3 years and towards the end it started to gang control of my life. I felt psychotic at times because of how paranoid I would get at night and I would never sleep or eat and looked like a sick mess and it was begginning to worry everyone. I had a nervous breakdown the other day and I decided it was time to quit. so far it's been pretty hard the first few days I just feel like I'm wearing weights that are dragging me down to the ground and everything is too much and too difficult so I've just been bumming around but hopefully I snap out of this funk soon and start being normal again. I've realized that smoking weed every now and then helps out a bit. anyone else find that?

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Hey crackFREE,

You probably already know this if you ever played little league baseball, but when baseball players are warming up to step into the batter's box, many of them will slip a donut-shaped weight over the bat, making the bat much heavier. With this weight attached to the bat, they will practice swinging as hard as they can against the resistance of the weight.

When they are ready to step up to the plate, they will take the weight off. Now by contrast the bat feels much lighter than it did before the weight exercise, and they tend to swing it harder and faster (because they've mini-habitualized their body to put more strength into it).

Quitting Adderall is like that weighted bat exercise, except the weight goes on your willpower and you never take it off. Instead, you have to make your mind strong enough to swing fast and powerfully even with the weight on.

Congrats on 4 days, and Godspeed building up your swinging muscles again.

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