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Exercise FTW!!

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Hey guys,

I had a slip up in my recovery a week ago. It's been really hard for me to cope on a daily basis without Adderall. However, I am 7 days clean and I'm back at it! Kudos to anyone who has quit longterm. You are all so strong!! I'm just stopping by to add emphasis to the fact that exercising has been a Godsend during this time.

There is no part of me that wants to get up and exercise. But I realize that my brain absolutely needs it to survive. It truly is the remedy for depression and anxiety. I'm starting to incorporate it into my daily routine as it seems that my life depends on it.

I use to run a lot to get my heart rate up. However, it's been really hard to hype myself up to run any distance at all. So, I recently bought a jump rope and it's been a gamechanger!! I'm a month and a half clean from smoking cigarettes so I haven't been able to work out for too long as of yet, but I see the improvement in my mood immediately. After doing cardio (HIIT specifically) for even 10 minutes a day, I notice that my concentration has improved immensely. The chatter in my brain is virtually non-existent (I struggle with intrusive negative thoughts) and my energy is through the roof. My mind is so much less chaotic which is something I need so badly right now.

Jumprope is a great way to combat weight gain too from Adderall cessation. I look up jump rope routines on youtube and there are thousands of people who swear by this exercise to lose weight fast, tone up, increase endurance, and become fit and healthy. (You can buy a super cheap and durable rope from Walmart for $10, or better yet find one on Amazon)

When you don't want to work out or can't get yourself to lace up for a jog, jumping rope is a great and easy way to instantly boost your mood and regain a sense of well-being!!

Good luck and KEEP GOING everyone xx

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