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I think anxiety is a hugely common issue when quitting Adderall, social or otherwise. I had many of the same anxieties you had as it relates to work.

You've built up a certain lofty status for yourself at work during your years as Adderall superman/superwoman. Then when you feel like you need to be responsible for something important (that involves others judging you) and you don't have your pills to run to...it can be a sickening and scream-inducing amount of anxiety.

For me, the answer wasn't time. It was repetition. As in, I just had to do muddle through one big responsible project after another, work through the fear over and over again, until the emotional aspect of that kind of task was numb. The fear gets smaller every time you face it. Eventually, it pretty much goes away.

It's those first few experiences facing down the task that are so stressful. After you get through it a few times, you get better. So far that, I have a few "repeat this to yourself over and over" bromides for you....

1. 80% of what you fear never happens - My dad told me this when I was 9-years-old and afraid to ask the neighbors if I could jump on their trampoline because I thought they would yell at me. They were very nice, I had many fun days on that trampoline, and I've remembered this saying ever since.

2. Never fear the consequences of courage

3. Any task becomes instantly 50% easier when you start it.

Anyhow, those are just things that help me.

Besides that, I'd say you might want to reduce your opinion of your job role. If you think of yourself as the central cog which must support the whole team and without you they fall apart and you must decree their every action with respect and wisdom...you're going to stress yourself into oblivion. Assuming you're not a CEO or something, a manager has a role like any other person...she just has to make the final decisions. That's her job: making the final decision. In most cases, these decisions don't have to be particularly consequential, and since she makes lots of decisions the consequences of each one are even less. So just do the best you can, and if you make a bad one you'll fix it when it comes back up.

Of course, it would help to know what kind of job/promotion we're talking about. :D

I'm sure you'll do just fine. I'd rather be in a management position after quitting Adderall than a workhorse position, because when you quit Adderall your focus is hindered, but your opinions and knowledge are intact, so you can still tell people what should be done and make the right decisions...you just can't do the stuff yourself at the moment.

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I know exactly how you feel. I have social anxiety (which is one of the reasons I'm an addie addict). Adderall helps diminish the anxiety, depression, lack of confidence, and self-esteem issues...but it's a double edge sword. As we all know, the adderall puts us in are own boxed up world, we don't really socialize (normally), eat healthy, get enough sleep, etc. Sure, we feel more comfortable and confident when on the adderall, but it is really just increasing the social anxiety deep within.

I would also..Oops, I mean, I take adderall or drink in order to be comfortable enough to socialize. It's great, it helps with all the (previously mentioned) symptoms. It helps, but so would shooting up some heroin.

In order to really combat the social anxiety, I suggest you try different exercises. Positive imagery (a kind of meditation) has worked great in the past. I am going to a Cognitive Behavioral Specialist this evening. CBT is supposed to be one of the best known therapies for beating social anxiety. It basically helps you "rewire" your thought patterns...therefore, finding and treating the negative thoughts that accompany SA. I hope this helps you out.

I have been addicted to add for 6 years (off and on). I know it has kept me from treating the SA, but I just keep falling back into the "add world of despair". I am quitting now and never turning back. It's just not worth it. It may help (with everything) for a while...but then your just living in the hell of addiction.


I have been taking add for 2 weeks or so and I am down to 3/4 of a 30mg tab. I want to go cold turkey (starting tomorrow), but I am in a Master's program and need to complete a major paper this weekend. I also don't think I'll have the will power to get out of bed next week without the add. My sister will help me with the paper, but I am still worried I'll just fall into despair. Would going down to a half tomorrow, then a quarter every day (to get out of bed) until Friday work out better?...or should I just go cold turkey? My sister would hold onto the pills and "deal" 1 out every evening.

Thanks for any of your expert advice,


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My 2 cents: Do what you have to do to get your Master's paper done. In fact, do what you have to do to finish out this semester while maintaining as small as dose as possible. Keep tapering down, then maybe go cold turkey during the break, and start with a lighter class load next semester until you get the hang of working without pills again.

Good luck! Nice that you have your sister there. She could be a huge help.

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