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New years resalutions


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To all my quit adderall friends I wish you all a better year to come .Jest what to give my thanks to all our members for the support you have given me in the last 3 mounts god bless you all.

How lets get fucken series what is your new yeas eve fucken resolution have you ever successfully accomplished one .

Well my new years eve resolution is to find inner piece and learn how not to hate myself for fucking up my life.

Jest one of my stores went out last night my usual hang out its cold blouse ally deversy and holsted street there are a number of blouse clubs across the street from each other that’s how the area got its name blouse ally. Anyhow went to my first club which is a very small Place its like a old building going in there is like going back in time everything is old the place has bin in the same location about 70 years a small stage with an old stand up peano on the stage it not bin played since iv bin going their the musicians us it for their coats and to put their drinks on or whatever the walls in the Place are covert and filled with pictures of artist that have played the club and are no longer with use its sort off a marmoreal for them so we don’t forget the greats whom played there its a small naberhood club not a flashy environment at all jest small town Chicago most the folks no or have seen each other around blouse ally .Any how I was having my limit of two jacks on the rocks for mounts ago I had no limit the addeall kept me drinking all night and into the early morning back to my boring story. I was digging the band and bull shiting with the guys in this establishment. I was checking out the crowd my eys came a cross a old black man right around 80 year’s old the man was withered looking because hes Ben around but the old man was digging the band and looked happy He was driest up very elegant with a sute and polished shoes had a tie on and a very sharp hat class act. I offer the man a drink he said brother I stopped drinking 30 years ago anyhow we had a good conversation about the old times he told me a story or two .At this point I went back to my little corner of the club left the old man alone and wish him a good new years he returns my jester and said to me you have a good one also Yong man. I haven’t bin called a Yong man in a long time at this point I am observing this man I was about 20 feet from him the man would look down with his head crochet down and his feet were Crosst over each other of his hands thay are on his knees one on top of each anther the man he wood look up frequently and jam-ed with the music being played and then would resume to look down with his head crochet down he probably looked depresst to some peaple. Butt I new better because I have spoken to the man the man was jest looking back into his past and was having a flurry of good memeres good memeres most likely he was a happy and content man I could read his charecter he was not thinking of the his hard times or the end of his life is coming up. No I sow a old man whom was a proud and had filling life. Then my fucken mind started fucking with me and depression came in for a brief monument or two I was jest thinking about my self I will be that old man one day and I hop my life will bee as filling ass his was.

Sorry for the fucket up spelling the computer can’t spell check my shit its so poor .

your friend THE FALCON

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Your New Years resolution: to find inner peace and not hate yourself for fucking up your life. In one word, the key to your resolution is Forgiveness. Even though you cannot change the past, if you can forgive yourself (and everyone else who has wronged you) and let it go, your future does not have to carry the baggage of the past. I just wish I could tell you how to do it, but that is something which needs to come from within your own soule. Forgiveness is an essential element of inner peace.

"Today is the first day of the rest of your life."

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I can see both points... like quitting smoking for instance: if you get the will and drive to quit, its best to just quit then and there, not put it off till new years when you might not have the same motivation and drive... on the flip side, new years marks an epoch of sorts, a chance to do something different this year than last, almost like a clean slate... I think it depends on the resolution, but in a lot of ways, its best to carpe diem and do it rather than put it off.... you can resolve to not do adderall in 2013, but you can also start early in 2012 and keep going thru the new year, rather than binge up until nye and then quit after that.... to each their own, but definitely carpe diem...

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Falcon we've all got those thoughts and feelings at different times, that old guy has them too. Don't get down on yourself, none of us have lived an optimum life. The fact that you're here, talking and helping other people is a lot more then many other people are doing right now.

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Hey Falcon,

You sure know how to tell a story. I have a strong vision of you in my head, albeit 2 pictures strong :-), but in a dark and musty bar, you talking with an old guy, sharing stories and connecting. That's what life is all about isn't it? Regardless of how old you are?

I hear you about mourning the loss of all kinds of stuff. And we have days where it's a lot easier to let the gremlins talk to us than others. Who knows what causes it, but some days it's like someone put a cloud in the sky right above our heads just to follow us around all day.

It occurred to me you might suffer from a bit of Seasonal Affected Disorder? Those who do usually find the winter especially hard to cope with, and funnily enough there is a strong correlation between lack of daylight hours, cold, and drinking (hello Russia + Vodka!). I have heard that light therapy helps.

Really, Falcon, try not to look back. The future is what matters now.

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