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Posts posted by NotToday

  1. Glad to hear how well you're doing. I have to say as I trail slightly behind you that I have found our recovery to be very similar.  I could not agree more with your statement about not beating up on yourself. Doing that kept me in the darkest place I've ever been in my life for nearly 9 months. When I finally just gave myself a bit of understanding and forgiveness, my recovery really took a 180. I also agree with not thinking about adderall unless it's in a 'omg I can't believe that was my life' kind of way lol. Keep up the great work :)

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  2. First of all, congratulations on a year!!! Gosh, that is huge. I know I don't need to remind you that adderall nor alcohol will make the situation any better, as tempting as they may sound. I definitely understand the pain you are feeling right now. You may have seen in some of my posts that a breakup has been my biggest struggle this past year as well, though it was about 3 months prior and really the motivating force that led to my quit. I understand how much it hurts, and really the only thing that is going to heal it is time. In the meantime, focus on yourself, be proud of how far you've come, and stay on track. If you need or want to talk about anything, I am all ears :) 

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  3. I know there's even a bunch on iBooks. I need to look for one that my therapist had given me. Would hate to recommend one that isn't great.


    i would definitely take up your college counselor!!! Why not if it's free!!! It's way too expensive without the insurance coverage so I get that for sure. I know my insurance gladly covers therapy if it means keeping me out of rehab which carries a way bigger price tag... might be worth mentioning to them.. Let us know how it goes!!!

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  4. On 8/1/2017 at 7:34 PM, Kimber said:

    That's one of the problems...I'm on Doctor #3 that I've told about this and no one is concerned.  I've stopped taking supplements so I get an accurate reading and am going to order blood test on my own.  

    How long, on average, has anyone been off adderall and started to see and feel an improvement in their health?  I know the depression will be difficult, but just wondering about our bodies ability to rebound from this shit.

    For me, everything started to improve around the 10th month. Both my depression and health significantly got better and continue to as I approach 13 months :)  I'm still way chubbier than I'd like to be but I just feel overall 1000000x better than I did in the early stages...

  5. LOVE this post. This is honestly a fool proof plan, all it takes is the commitment to follow it!!! Cutting off the supply is imperative, although my doctor actually tried to put me back on everything even after I went to rehab and told her to never prescribe it to me again!!! You can also always find a new doctor...The only thing that saved me was the fact I had told all of my friends, family, and even boss about the situation so I had someone to keep me accountable other than myself. Those two things alone are the only reasons I believe my quit stuck!!! Everything else was a matter of surviving the process lol 

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  6. 20 hours ago, Frank B said:

    Is it like a psychologist or more of a motivational coach? Sounds interesting but guessing expensive. 

    It's really just a therapy technique so most therapists/psychologists/social workers should have some training it it. I personally saw a LCSW, and it was luckily covered by my insurance. There are a lot of workbooks on the topic tho, and it is proven to be a very effective method if you can stay committed to the process. Definitely don't need someone to walk you through it as they are very easy concepts to grasp. I definitely think it made all the difference in some of the gains I've made in the past few months so worth a shot :) 

  7. CBT is all about recognizing your negative thoughts and turning them around before acting on them. In my experience, you can't always tell it's even CBT, but I do know that therapy helped me TREMENDOUSLY!! They will definitely help you in more than one area as well. I personally have tons of issues lmao!! They will go over all of that with you and decide the best things to work on :) 

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  8. Yesterday was 11 months adderall free for me so just wanting to check in. I've been feeling pretty good these last few weeks. Happy that time also seems to go much faster than it did in the beginning. I did end up seeing my ex, and I finally got to tell him the truth about what was really going on when we were together. I definitely think that it has brought me a bit of closure and more acceptance for the situation. I also got together with some old friends and opened up to them about everything. Gosh it is so nice to have the unconditional support of good friends, don't know why I was so withdrawn for so long. Took a week vacation to myrtle beach which was REJUVENATING. I came back with a renewed motivation for continuing to work my way through the mess I've created. The nice weather is also helping and looking forward to some fun summer festivities. Hope all is well with everyone!! Keep on with good fight :) 

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  9. I called my doctor from rehab and told her to not prescribe it to me ever again. She did mention that she would 'Work with me" on my depression still but I didn't go back to see her (except for about 5 months later and she tried giving me adderall again, don't know if she forgot or what) but needless to say, that was my last time seeing her. I chose to tell her because I knew I needed to cut off the supply because there would be weak days ahead. I think it's very important to tell your doctor to have a successful quit, whether it be tapering or cold turkey, it somewhat keeps you accountable. 

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  10. These forums have more or less become my way of journaling my experiences in recovery, so just want to get this out. I mentioned in my previous post that I had decided to reach out to some old friends. I decided to create a new Facebook (deactivated my old one years ago and figured I could use a clean slate). Well today, my ex texted me asking if I had created a new one thinking I had just deleted him from my last account. We hadn't talked for several months after he told me he was seeing someone new. It really crushed me even though I know that if I were him I would have left me too.,. We made small talk and I mentioned that I would really like the chance to explain some things, Ive talked about it on here before, but basically he never knew about my adderall addiction. He thought I had a drinking problem because of how much I was drinking when I came down. Even after a year, it literally takes everything I have to not completely break down when I talk to him. I don't know how long this will hurt for but I really pray that I can move past this and let go of all the guilt I've been carrying. Even though he says he forgives me I can't seem to forgive myself...

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  11. Ok, that makes sense. I remember my 'moment of clarity' as well. It was actually a beautiful thing to finally surrender and make the decision to stay this path come hell or high water. Come back to this post when the cravings resurface because they definitely will.  Best of luck! 

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  12. Im pretty sure there's nothing we could say to make you change your mind. For several years, there was absolutely nothing that could have convinced me of the disaster that was in store for me. I would give ANYTHING to go back to the beginning and make the decision to heed the early warning signs. You've already taken notice of those, but the consequences aren't yet great enough, and I get that but you are so young, and you've only been on this a year. You can find another job and save yourself a lot of pain down the road. And if you really loved your job as you say, you wouldn't need it anyways. I didn't think I could do my job without it (adderall made me think what I do is fascinating when in reality, it's horribly tedious) and you know what, I hardly can which means this was the WRONG choice for me. I would have never been naturally driven to do what I'm doing, so now at 28 I'm looking at starting over. You don't want this, trust me lol. I also relate to taking adderall for depression, this will only work for awhile though, and when it's  all said and done, it will be exacerbated x100. At least, that's been my experience. I do wish you well though. Good luck on your journey 

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