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  1. I feel you. I quit Adderall one month ago and I am really having a hard time, especially the last three days. I don't feel like doing anything, I have horrible anxiety, and I can't sleep to save my life due to the anxiety.... Sorry, this isn't helpful. Just commiserating with you
  2. Hello, This is my first post. I gave up Adderall as my New Years resolution. Previously I was prescribed up to 90mg a day of Adderall (60mg XR, 30mg IR) and I felt that I was spinning out of control on it and also had a lot of questions about the health of long term use. I have to say I am generally okay now, 31 days out, the initial withdrawal was horrific (1-2 weeks). However in the last week I have been experiencing severe insomnia and anxiety, very similar to when I was on Adderall, however I am not taking it at all. The anxiety is so bad it wakes me up in the middle of the night, usually around 1am and I can't sleep at all after that, I have the worst case of crippling anxiety. I don't want to mention this to my doctor because I know she would try to put me on anxiety meds and I really want to be off of meds all together and not just take meds to mask symptoms. Has anyone had any issues with this? Most posts I have found have been people stating their anxiety goes away when they stop using Adderall. Should I be concerned? Has anyone else had these symptoms?
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