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The Ninety Day Challenge


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Miscounted and I'm on 76 days now. I'm starting to feel really happy over nothing lately, just simple old memories that once made me laugh. I guess this is pretty significant, as on adderall, I ironically felt like I couldn't enjoy anything without the pill, even though I was an emotional sensitive mess while on it.

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Today is day 110 for me. I don't think about adderall too much anymore, but was curious about my days, so I just did a calendar count. I can see now that I'll be just fine. I continue to slowly move forward, but in a happy and calm way. I can tell this will be a pretty long road, but I'm grateful I'm on it. And I'll say it again (and not for the last time), this site and the people on it are awesome. Ya'll are the only people in the world who know just how dark and how addicted I was for over a decade, and ya'll are the only ones who know what quitting adderall really means. There is SO much light at the end of my tunnel <3

On a lighter note-- Anyone wanna come clean my house??? I mostly suck at that these days.... :)

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Day 90 people!! I thought I was going to feel so much more relieved and happier by now, but with crazy days at work, my focus and energy is just shot, but at least I'm not on speed! Hoping I can make it to my next goal: 100 days clean. I haven't lasted this long since February, so it feels nice to regain my dedication again.

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I adopted two dogs which forced me to go on walks every day, whether I wanted to or not. I also went hiking a lot with my husband (can't just stop on the middle of a trail). Personal trainer is a great idea. If you paid for it or can't get out of it, that will motivate you.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Day 81. I'm not thinking about the pills as much these last few days. But I know I'm still in recovery.

Thanks for the advice on exercise. That is what I need. I'm 5'6" and usually been about 135, but I have literally gained 30 lbs above that in the last six months. Some of that was even before quitting adderall but the pace has ramped up since quitting.

My cravings have slowed down at this point. At the beginning, I was eating all the time.

Will I get back to normal? I'm still so glad to have quit and feel that this is an effect of using and then quitting bc my metabolism got so wrecked by adderall.

I've started doing some yoga everyday from YouTube. It's not the hardest ever but sometimes challenging and its getting me to do at least something every day. I'm just not sure if it is enough.

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