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Found old Adderall.


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Hello all! I've been away from a minute but decided to come back and share a recent event that happened to me involving Adderall.


I am 20 months off now and one day came across two Adderall pills in a old purse. Instead of immediately throwing them away, I decided to leave them there. Maybe subconsciously I was saving it as a "just in case", "maybe one day" type of thing. Well that was a bad idea because I started to think about them frequently and even crave it. After being off this long? That's crazy!


So I decided to once and for all, throw them down the toliet immediately. There was no way I was going to ruin my progress. It created such a mess in my life and made me so unhealthy, It would be a big slap in the face at how far I have come and all the hard work I have done towards self improvement.


So I flushed them down and here I am writing my experience.....it is definitely not safe to have any Adderall laying around, ever. I feel much better now.

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You are so smart to do it right away rather than wait.  The destruction that it could wreak is so great.

Good job!


EDIT:  Seriously this post made my throat clench when I read the title, although I knew in my heart before reading it that you made the right choice.  This was a happy thread to read.

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First of all, LOVE your profile pic! :)  


I got a little nervous for you reading this at first too, but now feel relieved to know you resisted.  Wow, that would've been hard for me too.  I had a similar experience with pot after I had a little relapse back last summer.  I kept finding random pieces here and there and at one point actually picked it up and smelled it.  I immediately threw it down the sink and that was that.  But yeah, it's kinda freaky when that stuff pops up in front of your face like that.  Way to keep moving forward!

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This happened to me the other day. I was digging through my purse trying to find my lipgloss while I was in my truck, and I found a pill. I grabbed it, looked at it, panicked and threw it out my window lol. Probably not the best way to dispose of it, but at least it's better than down my throat.


Glad you resisted too. And congrats on 20 months. What an accomplishment!! :)

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I hate going to my sisters I'm 90 days off and no full on cravings for addy. But at my sisters house what's on the table? Well her sons addy prescription "which I told her is a very piss poor decision to have him on them". But look at it this way we have it easy, think of a alcoholic quitting. Think if tv ads had people having a ball on adderal, think if every wedding party had big punch bowl of adderal lol. That's one thing I took away from rehab talking to those people realized why it's so hard for alcoholics to stop. But you did the right thing the first time I stopped addy I kept a bottle stashed and here was my crazy way of thinking to justify it. I thought what if some dooms day scenario took place and I'd need addy to stay up for a couple days gathering supplies to keep my family safe lol. Well now I realize that was a ridiculous excuse and that led me to fail on my first and second attempt. I feel now u cannot quit addy and have any pills around, prescriptions and not tell your doctor your quitting because your a adderal addict.

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That's soooo true!  That's the one easier thing about quitting stuff like adderall or even marijuana.  You can just choose to distance yourself from people who do those things and you can systematically remove the triggers from your life.  For a recovering alcoholic or smoker, it's EVERYwhere just thrown in your face.


Look at these people enjoying this in moderation and how great they are enjoying their life.


I admire sober alcoholics in particular for this so much.

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