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Please help me. I think I am dying from this

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Actually, it might be better to do an alternative method of quitting (much cheaper and doable).


1. Tell your doctor you're addicted

2. Tell all your family and friends  - ask for their support

3. Make a quit plan (cold turkey or taper)

4. Act on quit plan and turn to this site plus any other means of additional support you can find (smart meetings, na meetings, or whatever kind of support group you can find to help)

5. Don't expect anything from yourself for the first year

6. Expect to have LOTS of cravings/urges for awhile and be fucked up from wanting it so bad while at the same time hating it

7. Help others recover on this site (will always make you feel better and be a good reminder of why you don't want to go back on it)

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Thank you. You are all amazing human beings. I don't trust the addict inside me to do anything logical, practical or healthy. I have three different doctors giving me three different prescriptions a month. I need more than 7 days. @liltex do you know if they do detox and then outpatient anywhere? I am bankrupt and cannot miss any work, really. but I can feel my veins in my legs throbbing with blood clots or something, so it is definitely a health concern at this point. I don't have any regard for my body anymore. It's horrible.

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22 years is a long time to be on speed.  That is exactly twice as long as I used adderall.  I hope you can find the strength and the time to get off this shit.  People can and do quit cold turkey all the time.  At a minimum you will need a long weekend to deal with the physical withdrawals.  Some drugs, like the benzos, must be properly titrated down.  It is probably best to go off it with the help of a doctor and a counclor.  The money you will not be spending on pills will help you to afford  the guidance of professionals if you choose to go that route.  If you think that continued use of adderall will kill you, it probably will so you need to make a plan to quit before something really bad happens to your health.   Good luck!

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