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Caffine= Anxiety?

Frank B

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I've wondered if possibly a small contribution to pretty much all of us having high anxiety coming off this medication might be a overuse of caffeine to sort of make up for the lost adderall boost. Personally my intake was overdone with little positive's still tired still unable to focus but I reached for a energy shot 2 to 3 times a day. I stopped all caffeine intake over a week ago mostly because I realized how much money was being tossed away for something that did very little. So far I seem to get a better nights sleep and feel less anxiety. So if your overdoing the caffeine and have high anxiety maybe cut back the amount you consume. Quitting it all together kind of sucks but feel like since I cant use a normal amount and be satisfied for now just go cold turkey.


 Anyways 9 months off this stuff hard to believe. If I never stopped my life would have kept going in a out of control downward spiral and probably would have died with the combo of drugs I was taking. I'm glad people have put up with me I feel half the stuff written was by a mad man with the grammar skills of a second grader.

I want to say congrats to Bluemoon who has the same quit date of myself.

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You know, for me, I don't think it mattered what I was putting into my body, I was constantly having insane levels of anxiety. That was until recently, maybe about two months ago my anxiety began to really diminish. When I was in the early stages of recovery, I think my mindset about caffeine produced more anxiety than the caffeine itself. I would think to myself "if I have this coffee, my mind is going to start going out of control" and before the caffeine would even kick in I'd be having minor anxiety attacks. Now, I can comfortably enjoy one cup of coffee a day and enjoy the benefits of some caffeine, but I think that's because my anxiety levels have really been controlled as of lately. So I'd have to agree that if you're struggling pretty badly with anxiety, it's probably a good idea to limit your caffeine intake. 


It's crazy to see how far we've come. I can't believe you're at nine months now. Congrats on that, brotha. I'm just shy of my one year anniversary. 

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Thanks for the shout out, Frank. Congrats to you as well. It's been a huge comfort to have you along for the ride through our recovery. 


Renascido, do you feel any different at the 1 year mark than you have the last couple months? I feel like we should have some sort of an online celebration on your anniversary lol 


As for the caffeine, well, I feel like that would be really hard for me to give up. Sometimes I take a break for a week or two, and you're right Frank, I do feel less anxiety and I do sleep a bit better. But I feel like giving it up completely would be a lot to ask of myself. 

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My thought process on the entire caffeine deal is this. We all craved and got hooked on a stimulant to make us more productive focused etc. Obviously coffee energy drinks etc to most avg adult is a suffice tool to accomplish that but for us no we took adderall. So why is the main topic while quitting adderall don't drink alcohol? Is alcohol a stimulant? no. But yet we all say it's ok to take mild stimulant that still hooks us into a addicts mind. We must have caffine to wake up, we must have caffeine after lunch at work at night basically need it in our system 24x7. This is the American way right God bless Starbucks. People say pot is a gateway drug? Funny I'd say caffine is the gateway drug into dependency on stimulants. Go to any NA meeting people chug down coffee like its crack. Why is the dependency on this drug ok but God forbid you go have a beer to relax. Maybe why rehab doesn't work long term for most is because nobody looks outside the box of what's accepted to be ok. I'm not saying using alcohol is worse then caffine but actually to those of us hooked on stimulants maybe it keeps us from letting our minds develop the natural serotonin to keep us up and going at a normal pace. If I look into my own life I have a few friends who never drink caffine. One is a fireman and goes to nursing school when he is not on shift. I know he sleeps very little but has more energy then myself yet never uses caffine so this tells me caffine is not needed to stay awake. I just hope it works for me so far feel the same off it it hour spending $6-$10 a day feeding the habit.

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On the caffeine subject, I've been cutting back a lot too.  I find that my anxiety levels are much, much lower if I stop at a cup or two, rather than drinking a quadruple latte or a whole french press to my head.  Everyone I have ever met who consciously chooses not to drink caffeine has very high energy levels.  


I agree caffeine is a gateway drug.  Pharmaceuticals are gateway drugs.  Probably even OTC pain meds are gateway drugs.  We turn to substances for instant gratification/energy/sleep/pain relief or whatever.  It's the American way right?  ;)

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I do want to say alcohol should be avoided especially in early parts of recovery. If you must choose between giving up alcohol or caffine every day of course you should not drink alcohol. I think if you can be a social drinker some wine at dinner out to eat or a few beers at a ball game once in awhile nothing is wrong with that. Others on here I understand have addictive personalities and can't control themselves drinking. I think the problem with caffine is you can't enjoy it once in awhile without really needing it every day to function normally or having a horrible headache. Since I quit caffine after the initial three day detox I have not had a headache.

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So still no caffeine not sure if I'll cave in mornings seem rough but then again were before. Just seems like I can't be satisfied with a normal cup or two of coffee just go overboard with the energy shots ect. I'll try at least one more week caffeine free I just really miss ice tea at meals. Anyways stated working out again today feeling better from that already.

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