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These symptoms bought me to this site!


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I found these symptoms on a website about Adderrall Abuse and it opened my eyes to my own addicition leading me to this great site. It's funny how seeing it in writing is really eye opening. I cried at work when I first read this:


"If you are misdiagnosed with ADHD and take Adderall you will very possibly experience some or all of these symptoms

Become dependant on Adderall to function properly on a daily basis

Feel dazed, slow and disoriented if you try to discontinue Adderall's use

Lose much"normal" perception of any words or actions

Experience increased depression and possibly develop a bi-polar personality

Suddenly care only for yourself with total disregard for others **MY NOTE: I was always a giver, always asked questions frm others before even thinking about talking about myself. On adderrall I noticed all I cared to talk about was me, me, me

Suddenly experience increased anger and aggression that can escalate into going into unexplainable violent fits of rage for no reason

Lose appreciation for beauty

Misinterpret simple English **MY NOTE: looking back I found myself constantly asking "well what do you mean by that"

Misinterpret obvious acts of love as acts of hatred against you

Absolutely DESTROY the lives of those who love you and live with you **MY NOTE: I have an ex from 3 months who still feels my adderrall tunnel vision wrath

Become lost in, and protective of your personal "Adderall World"

Violently assault anyone who interferes with getting your dosage, like any junkie

Sink to public displays of irrationality with no shame or awareness of how obvious your dependency is

Experience paranoia and mild delusions / hallucinations

Suddenly "rationalize" that Adderall is more important to you than your friends, family and loved ones"

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... so true. That's addiction for you. I read today that amphetamines are widely considered to be the hardest drug to withdraw from, both physically and psychologically. I had no idea - I always thought heroin was, or other barbiturates . My brother in law was a heroin addict and I vowed never to do heroin because I saw just how much he struggled. Now I know I'm going through the same if not worse? Wow, how could I have let myself do that....

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Brandy76 quitting Adderall is not an easy drug to quit if you go cold turkey you will have about 7 days of real misery it’s your crash landing Adderall has a 48 hour half-life the drug is out of your blood stream .The recovery takes time you will be tiered no motivation hungry and depression. In my experience stepping down did not work for me I have tried it several times so I went cold turkey not because I wanted to I was forest to do cold turkey whit Adderall it was killing me it took away my soul now it wanted my life 90 to 120 mil in 10 hour time span and more on weekends. I drank lots of alcohol with it there was weekends I did not sleep for 48 hour it took bensos to get me to sleep on Sunday nights so I could wake up and go to work. 3 cups of coffee and 60 milligrams of Adderall to get me up on Monday morning in my experience bensos are a harder drug to quit you can’t go cold turkey on bensos you need to step down and it takes months. SO what I’m trying to say to you make your mind up take some time off like 5 day and the week end and you will get thru the worst of it you need to make your mind up jest like our members have don on quitting Adderall don’t get in the zombie zone. Good luck in quitting we are her for your support. Keep us posted on your progress

Hey all my friends it’s my anniversary today quit using Adderall September 26 90 days clean

Your friend FALCON could not have done it without all the support at the web site thank you

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