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Posts posted by Greg

  1. That sounds like a crazy situation!


    ...but to answer your question I was extreeeeeeemly impulsive. I just did things without thinking about it. If i popped a pill I would get a burst enthusiasm for something, and just pursue it full on without thinking. If I was paranoid, I'd act on it. I think a drug addict has problems thinking out the consequences of actions because an addict - if you look at the traditional form of "insanity" of addiction - An addict does the same thing over and over again expecting a different outcome each time.


    As soon as I quit, I began regaining confidence in my decision making and judgement.

    • Like 1
  2. no you don't think you have narcolopsy!!


    Because if you do then a lot of people have it. I think its normal, when you are putting so much time into work to just be exhausted.  During my 10 week summer job, I looked forward to getting to sleep on the weekends. And I definitely needed to sleep 14-16 hours and nap too over the weekends. Work is exhausting. 


    There are all these tech things that are getting popular with tracking sleep like fitbits and I even talked to someone who uses this website http://www.sleepcycle.com/


    Here is another link



    I DO believe that some people are blessed and just dont need much sleep. Unfortunately I need a lot of sleep...I dont think there is an issue with you, just that you are exhausted and you need to recover.


    But others weigh in...


    It could be worse, I have a friend who had to work 22 hours one day last week,  21 hours the next day, for an average of about 17 hours per day at the office. He's pretty miserable. Also imagine doctors, I dont think they even get to leave the hospital!

    • Like 1
  3. Hey guys!


    How is everyone?! I've missed you all. I've been a little MIA lately, just so busy with work and balancing life but everything is pretty good. I haven't been working out as much as I want lately but I have been completely focusing on my diet and trying to get it under control and not drinking and being as healthy as I can. I'm working on little steps towards my goal and adding something positive or taking away something negative from my life, week by week to not overwhelm myself. I have tried to wake up and not eat crabs or processed food and not drink and work out everyday, literally overnight and I always end up messing that up so now I'm changing little habits and steps over time to make them long-term new habits! It seems to be really helping and working so far. I'm trying to change the way I see and think about certain things that I think will hold me back in life. They say it takes 3 weeks to make a new habit so I'm excited to see what the future holds. In a few weeks, once I have my healthy eating and not drinking down, I will start adding in cardio and weights! I do walk at least 10,000 steps a day thow, with my fitbit, which is almost 5 miles. I've also given up diet coke by replacing it with lemon favored soda water or fresh lemon and cucumber water or just plain hot water.


    I've been eating lots of salads with spinach, protein shakes with fresh fruit, homemade kale chips, veggies and green apples with almond butter and I'm starting to LOVE it! I try to mostly eat what comes/is grown from the ground.


    I'm starting to try to cut out carbs slowly but it's hard, why are carbs so damn good? Whenever I eat wheat thow, I get hives and I have been for over 2 years now. I went to the skin doctor, allergist, got blood work done and nothing came up but I think I am having a reaction to gluten. 


    Drinking hot water, boiled from the kettle has been amazing. It seems a little odd but it's so relaxing and calming and it detoxs. I really enjoy drinking my hot water.


    I'm also obsessed with mixing an "aloha: the daily good" organic green mix packet with a raspberry emergen-C for energy and I think it's helping.


    I just got this stuff called "NutraMextrix: Custom Health Solutions" / it's a powder you mix with water, twice a day, 2 cap fulls and it's awesome. It has powerful antioxidants, promotes cardiovascular and joint health, helps maintain healthy cholesterol and blood glucose levels, demonstrates anti-inflammatory activity and supports normal blood vessel function… it is supposed to help with ADD and ADHD as well. I've only been using it since Friday but I will report back in a few weeks. 


    A lot of this new perspective has come from this book I'm reading: "The Everygirl's Guide to Diet and Fitness" by Maria Menounos... she used to be 40lbs heavier and I'm really loving this book so far!

    12 miles today! I liked this post. Im trying to just stick to salads.. but portion control is the hardest for me with all the running. But I know running + portion control works well for me. keeping a food journal to stay within 1500 calories a day works REALLY REALLY well for me, but I dont know if I can do it. It's so hard.

    i gained 20 lbs this summer from stress.  ill be Hitting the treadmill hard and the salad bar too. 

    • Like 3
  4. And I am 8 months clean today! WOO fucking HOO!!!!!!!! I honestly can't believe it and I know if I never stopped taking Adderall I would never be as happy and successful as I am today! I feel like I put my big girl panties on and I'm starting to take responsibility and accountability for my life and I'm starting to STOP making excuses and it is awesome!


    • Like 2
  5. I got on my treadmill, and it quit on me after 1 1/2 minutes.  I tried it again, and it quit after 3 minutes.  Did I then go out and get in the pool?  No.  So, for the week...big fat zero.  Sigh...I am going to have to get up early in the morning, or go out late in the evening to avoid the heat.  I am trying again this week, promise!

    Hmm....well next week try again.

    • Like 2
  6. I don't see how you whip out 6 miles after taking time off from running....good job! I did nooothingggg this week but worked my butt off, and working out sounded just horrible....but there's really no excuse, because I didn't work out this weekend.....keep it up, InRecovery. Are you sore?!


    I cant believe it, but im not sore...i was expecting to be so sore.


    Ashley - you still got time...there are six hours left today.


    We have to learn how to work at our job while still keeping in shape at the same time. I know that's easy for me to say now, but when I start working I will begin forcing myself to run too.


    Im headed to the gym to try to make it to 6.

  7. There is a recurring theme here that adderall changed peoples lives once they discovered. They were on top of the world, more social etc etc...I remember my 'honeymoon' with adderall as this amazing transformation in my life. I was elected to student council executive vice president(lol), I got an internship, I paid extreme attention in class and got a high GPA...I was extremely involved in my extracurricular activities and did a great job (lol) ....


    But looking back, much older now- were these 'life changing' things even such a big deal? Who cares?


    So what maybe you became more talkative? So what you are a supermom or parent? So what you can stay on top of the laundry better than anyone else? But these are not such a big deal if you really think about it.  Agreed? Disagreed?

    • Like 1
  8. I thought it might be interesting to pose some questions about adderall, topics similar to what Mike was posting on, and people can gradually share their experiences...


    I was never able to turn myself off on adderall. When I was revved up on it, I couldn't just do yoga or meditate or something like deep breathing.  There were countless days where I had to wake up early, and so I just didn't even try to go to sleep the night before because I was so revved up. Were any of you actually able to "turn off" when you "revved up" on speed? Were there times where you really needed to turn off but you couldnt?

  9. in my job, and in my life in general I totally rely on vitalist.com to get my stuff done. If that site disappeared i would be a mess. At work, I saw people who have color coded lists highlighted in different colors - each color representing a different priority level. Everyone has to have a system that works, but finding the system that works for you is the trick -- for me its vitalist.com 


    But also dont overwhelm yourself - i dont know how your company operates but remember, you are building a mental addiction free foundation right now for yourself and your future, so if there are projects you can get off of or avoid - go that route and take it as easy as possible as you can. Can you take some personal days? or vacation? This is critical, because if you don't lose your adderall dependency things will escalate badly for you. 


    You can do this!!

  10. I live next to a bar where my friends frequent and I'm good friends with owner and bartenders and had way too much fun last night. I've decided I will force myself to only drink ONCE a week, cut down drastically xanax - bc they are an EVIL dangerous combo. And no smoking (the relaxing kind of smoking)

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