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I found it and thought I'd post it here, because the topic seems to come up a bunch and this little pop pscyhology exercise is one of the best tools I know about developing self-understanding.

I was introduced to it by an executive coach, and it's really simple (but really difficult at the same time!). Basically (the instructions are written on the first slide), you'll see a grid of 15 "life motivators", for example, "MASTERY" means you're really motivated by the idea that you become known or you want to be known for the amount of expertise or knowledge you have about your field.

The goal of the exercise is to try to rank order the things in your life that drive you. i.e. are you motivated by status? by relationships? It's really enlightening. And the cool thing is you can ask your partner to do it as well and then compare notes. It's really eye opening.

Here are the directions (try to do them in order, and think through your answers)

•Select and rank from 1 to 5 the five subjects that are the

most important to you. How and why are they important?

• Select and rank in ascending order from 15 to 11 the Five

subjects that are the least important for you and why do they

get this rating.

• Select and rank the five remaining subjects 6 to 10 and think

of your rationale for the rating.

OK here they are (something about my browser's settings won't let me copy and paste properly so i had to type them in):

Independence: to have the freedom to think, time available and freedom to act

Mastery: To become a known authority on what I do

Serve: To contribute to others' satisfaction

Friendship: To work with people that I like and get them to like me

Prestige: To have a succesful image, be regarded as successful

Wealth: To have a lot of money

Family: To have time to share with my family

Loyalty: To be loyal to my company and boss and count on others' loyalty as well

Achievement: To achieve important goals

Power: To obtain control over others

Enjoy: To have fun and enjoy my life to the fullest

Home: To live where I want to live

Leadership: To become influential

Assurance: To have a secure and safe position

Challenge and Self Development: To perform a job that is personally challenging and helps me grow


Not sure what any of it has to do with adderall, but as there seems to be a general theme on this forum that we show a passing interest in understanding human behavior, I wanted to share it.

I'd love to know everyone's thoughts on this tool too! And your own preferences! I wonder if adderallics are motivated by the same kinds of things... hmmmm....

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  On 2/6/2013 at 2:57 AM, Motivation_Follows_Action said:

I found it and thought I'd post it here, because the topic seems to come up a bunch and this little pop pscyhology exercise is one of the best tools I know about developing self-understanding.

I was introduced to it by an executive coach, and it's really simple (but really difficult at the same time!). Basically (the instructions are written on the first slide), you'll see a grid of 15 "life motivators", for example, "MASTERY" means you're really motivated by the idea that you become known or you want to be known for the amount of expertise or knowledge you have about your field.

The goal of the exercise is to try to rank order the things in your life that drive you. i.e. are you motivated by status? by relationships? It's really enlightening. And the cool thing is you can ask your partner to do it as well and then compare notes. It's really eye opening.

Here are the directions (try to do them in order, and think through your answers)

•Select and rank from 1 to 5 the five subjects that are the

most important to you. How and why are they important?

• Select and rank in ascending order from 15 to 11 the Five

subjects that are the least important for you and why do they

get this rating.

• Select and rank the five remaining subjects 6 to 10 and think

of your rationale for the rating.

OK here they are (something about my browser's settings won't let me copy and paste properly so i had to type them in):

Independence: to have the freedom to think, time available and freedom to act

Mastery: To become a known authority on what I do

Serve: To contribute to others' satisfaction

Friendship: To work with people that I like and get them to like me

Prestige: To have a succesful image, be regarded as successful

Wealth: To have a lot of money

Family: To have time to share with my family

Loyalty: To be loyal to my company and boss and count on others' loyalty as well

Achievement: To achieve important goals

Power: To obtain control over others

Enjoy: To have fun and enjoy my life to the fullest

Home: To live where I want to live

Leadership: To become influential

Assurance: To have a secure and safe position

Challenge and Self Development: To perform a job that is personally challenging and helps me grow

Not sure what any of it has to do with adderall, but as there seems to be a general theme on this forum that we show a passing interest in understanding human behavior, I wanted to share it.

I'd love to know everyone's thoughts on this tool too! And your own preferences! I wonder if adderallics are motivated by the same kinds of things... hmmmm....

I'm not sure if i got the instructions. Do they mean select the first 5 listed and state which is most important?

Or like select 5 out of all the options and list in order of importance. but here's my answers lol im retarded.

Most important to me are...

1.Friendship-Being in the company of real friends is one of the best things in life. Life is meaningless if you don't connect with others.

2.Independence-Being a woman, i want nothing more than to be self sufficient and not rely on anyone. But some man candy later in life wouldn't be a bad thing :P, but nothing in life is guaranteed so i need to be able to support myself.

3.Enjoy-What's the point of life if you don't enjoy it or anything it has to offer?

4.Mastery- I mean like mastering my profession and become great

5.Home-B/C living in a place i love would be perfect. Nice medium sized house would be a nice bonus.

Least important...

15.Power- I am a control freak, and sort of bossy, but not on purpose. I don't think holding power over anyone is something i want. Power can make people crazy.

14.Prestige- I don't want people to think i am successful, i want to REALLY be successful.

13.Leadership- I have never been much of a leader. Not a follower either. I just do my own thing and mind my own business.

12.Challenge and self Development- I want to do well and be challenged SLIGHTLY. I am not big into challenges though, out of my comfort zone lol

11.Loyalty- This is important to me, but i couldn't choose between the rest.

Next subjects i will rate from most important-not as important

6.Family- It's fucked up this wasn't in my top five lol, Family is very important though, but i can't spend too much time with them.

7.Wealth- I don't need to be filthy rich, but just knowing i can pay all my bills and have some extra to spend. That type of security is what i need.

8. Achievement- Goals are super important. Gives you a reason to look to the future, and achieving those goals makes it that much better.

9.Assurance- I want to have a job that i know i will be at for a long time. I don't want to be ignored for 2 weeks and work randomly when i am told like my current job

10.Serve- I love making people happy. So, this is important. But i don't like live to 'serve' others

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  • 7 months later...

1. Independence

2. Enjoy

3. Assurance

4. Challange and Self Developement

5. Home


6. Serve


8. Family

9. Loyalty

10. Leadership


11. Power

12. Achievement

13. Wealth

14. Prestige

15. Mastery


I just did these off the cuff. Some attributes had definitions with them which made them undesirable. Such as Mastery; I do want to master some art forms but I do not necessarily want to become an authority. I'll take it with a grain of salt.

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I think they may have taken the Reiss Motivation Profile and modified it to sound more business-y. I read the Reiss book a while back (he's a psychology PhD who developed it) http://www.amazon.com/Desires-Motivate-Actions-Define-Personalities/dp/0425183408/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1378861297&sr=1-1&keywords=reiss+motivation+profile. In his theory things like wealth and achievement would be the byproduct of being motivated by 'power', etc. I quite enjoyed his theory and recommend the book.


Acceptance, the desire to avoid failure and criticism.
Curiosity, the desire for understanding.
Eating, the desire for food.
Expedience, the desire to act out of self-interest.
Family, the desire to raise children and to spend time with siblings.
Idealism, the desire for social justice.
Interdependence, the desire to trust others to meet one's needs.
Order, the desire to be organized and clean.
Physical Activity, the desire for muscle exercise.
Power, the desire for influence or leadership.
Romance*, the desire for beauty and sex.
Saving**, the desire to collect.
Social Contact, the desire for peer companionship.
Status, the desire for respect based on social standing.
Tranquility, the desire to be free of anxiety and pain.
Vengeance, the desire to confront those who offend.

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