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I want to start again...


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This site has been such an incredible resource.

I'm looking for some encouragement.

I started taking Adderall/Vyvanse about a year ago. In that time, I experienced increasing dosages and decreasing amounts of personality. I totally lost myself; my ability to relax and enjoy being social. We've all heard it so many times before.

I regained my appetite about 2 weeks into taking the stuff. In fact, I've always been a bit neurotic about tracking calories, so I know that I was actually eating more calories several months ago on the amphetamines, but continuing to lose weight. I enjoy a pretty darn healthy paleo eating style (no grains, sugar, dairy, or legumes) and am pretty strict. I was down to 110 lbs, with a final goal of 105 and people were always telling me how great I looked. I'm really short, btw, so this is not unrealistic.

It's been one week since I've had my last (I mean it this time!) pill. I'm really surprised at how good I feel. I expected the crushing fatigue to last longer than this, but I'm finding I have tons of energy and I'm remembering how to smile and laugh. Holy smokes, I need to repeat that. I am remembering how to smile and laugh!

One week and I'm up 5 lbs on the scale and an inch on my waist, despite being extraordinarily careful with my diet and not eating more than I was previously. Ok, some of it is water because I'm not perpetually dehydrated, right? Someone tell me this will normalize! I would say if there's anything that is going to tempt me back to using again, this is it. I want to cry every time I step on the scale and see it go up. I know, I should throw it out, but I can't.

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Hey Crayzechick!

Congrats on all the progress! I wouldn't be surprised if your diet contributed to your surprisingly resilient energy levels.

On the weight gain: This seems to scare everybody back to the pill, especially girls (thanks to trait #2).

But in your case, we're only talking about a few pounds! 5 pounds is nothing to go back on the pill for.

First off, from what I've heard the weight gain does normalize. I've spoken to several people who put on weight when they quit and then just dropped it back off a few months afterwards.

Second, diet isn't the only way to lose weight! With your talent for calorie awareness, you could probably keep that 5 pounds off (and then some) with a measly 30min of cardio per week. Like, just go out and run around your neighborhood one night every week. It would be easy.

Speaking of which, I'd better wrap this post up because I've got a long bike ride to go on... B)

Stay strong. You've already done better than most in terms of energy levels and weight gain. Don't piss it away! :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

It is not worth it to start again

I honestly can't stress that enough. I can understand your concern with the weight gain, especially if you are shorter and have a small frame, 5 pounds can feel like a lot.

HOWEVER, think about everything you will gain other than weight...Like natural concentration, regular sleep, control of your emotions, heightened sex drive, etc. It kind of makes the 5 pounds pale in comparison.

Mike is right, if you are very concerned, exercise. It has helped me tremendously to exercise while quitting Adderall. I'm just over a month without it, and exercising has not only helped me to stave off the fear of gaining weight, but it also helps add crucial energy.

Good luck!

You can do this.

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Thanks for the replies. It's so great to have a place to go where people understand.

So far so good. It's been 3 weeks now. The scale keeps going up ever so slightly. It's discouraging. I have to keep telling myself this is part of the healing process. My body is figuring itself out. I catch myself making deals with myself in my head: Ok if in a month I'm this weight, I can go back to taking the drug... Then I realize how much better my relationship is and how much more I am able to just enjoy being in the moment. I have to focus on that!

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Gaining weight is frustrating no matter why it's happening. Just focus on your mental self right now. Focus on healing like you said, both physically and mentally. Your weight will balance out in time. Your body is just trying to figure out what to do with itself haha. It's better to gain a little weight, and lose an addiction any day. Keep it up, and stay posi!

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crayzechick --

For what it's worth, I've gone off for stretches of several weeks and am now off Adderall for good for about 4 weeks. In my experience, the slight weight gain is just that -- slight -- unless your intake of food increases dramatically for whatever reason. If you are eating more or less like you always have and can pick up a little exercise here and there, you shouldn't hit a major spike in terms of weight gain, at least from what I've observed. So not worth it to go back. You know this, but the cost is far greater than the potential benefit.

Keep it up -- it will get easier!


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