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Guys. I did it. I am SO positive that stuff was SO wrong for me. Even the good stuff it did was SO wrong for me. I've been off of it for a week and I have been hidden and absent to the world in my parents' house... sleeping and doing whatever I want. I like being with my family now. My true self is back and healthy. These past few years on Adderall have caused me to do some terrible things in the relationships I valued most :(. But, I am back. It's me. I'm not damaged. My old feelings and ways have come back unscathed. I did wrong, hit new lows, caused problems by not being me, but I can fix it by staying away from the drug that was not right for me. I have seen it work for someone, but.. for me it was like evil. for me, the side effects were unacceptable. No one but the person who has experienced adderall can understand this... (the average person is wierded out by the fact that adderall could actually effect an entire relationship or something). That's why it's so bad.. it creates unnatural and hidden wrongs. It's gone though. The good has overruled. My emotions are not damaged. I'm perfectly fine.

looking back on this post, my writing has suffered. It's not as detailed, I dont want to go to the extra effort anymore. But, I am confident that the work ethic will come back. I could do it now.. but... at the same time I don't know that I could...

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Yay Alliee! Good for you.

Oh, and on this...

My writing has suffered. It's not as detailed, I dont want to go to the extra effort anymore.

Funny you should say that! I always felt that my writing drastically improved when I quit Adderall because I no longer went on a bunch of Adderall-fueled "detail for the sake of detail" tangents. Sometimes laziness in writing is a good thing. It'll make you say "I don't feel like making this sound fancy, so I'm just going spit it out and let it ride." :D

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