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On 3/15/2024 at 9:58 PM, Groundhogdaze said:

Have you been able to relearn how to work without use of this drug?  Did you have Depression? Lack of motivation? anxiety? insomnia?  I have all these and wonder if it will get better. I've been adderall free since january 19 2024. today is march 15 2024.



Have I had to relearn how to work?

 Yes and no.   That was me doing to the work on adderall, not the pill.  The pill causes dopamine to be released which makes everything interesting.  It makes whatever you are doing enjoyable so you can focus and enjoy unpleasant tasks.  I’m still the same person so I just had to figure out how to make myself interested in what I’m doing.  I figured this out because there was so much I dreaded to do after the pill, but I realized when I was playing video games, I could lock in and stay focused for hours.  I didn’t need a pill. 

There are ways to trick yourself into getting yourself motivated to do work you don’t like and enjoy it.  The trick is to break down large tasks into simple steps and start attacking the smaller ones.  As you complete each one your brain will release some dopamine and you will gain momentum.  You just have make yourself start.  If you have trouble there, set a timer for 15 minutes.  Promise yourself you will work on that task the best to your ability and will give yourself a reward like a 5 minute break after.  Do that a few times an you will see that you can do this.  Some days may be harder than others but this method works no matter what shape you are in.


Ive gotten to the point to where I don’t have to do that any more most days.  As along as I eat healthy and stay away from processed foods, exercise and sleep I can work all day and stay focused now.  


I tapered off and had quit alcohol when I quit over 2 years ago.  I was depressed before and my depression went away when I quit.  I did have some anxiety that would come and go.  Not anymore.  I think no alcohol was the key.  Insomnia came and went for a while.  I took naps in the afternoon that helped when I couldn’t sleep well at night.  It was incredibly effective.  


Back to working, I would recommend the book What to do when there is too much to do by Laura Stack.  She teaches a great method for breaking down tasks in a way that will boost productivity in half the time which is a godsend for anyone trying to work while recovering.  I also recommend searching for any info in help with adhd because those are the symptoms you get when stopping the pill.  I still use the app FocusAtWill for brown/pink/white noise types of sounds to help me hyper focus at work  



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