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L-Tyrosine dosage?

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I'm curious to hear about how much L-Tyrosine people take.

I read in a bodybuilding forum of someone building up their tolerance to 4,000 mg at once and having a glowing experience at the gym.

I don't take THAT much, but I like the higher dosages. I kind of want to try this.

For the most part, the Tyrosine really helps keep my mood positive. I usually take 1,500 mg, sometimes up to 2,000 mg at once, and then another 1,000 to 1,500 later in the day. Always with a B-complex.

Times when I've taken too much, it gives me a minor headache (a common side effect of taking too much.) But after building up more of a tolerance the headaches have stopped.

I would never go this high, but I've read that you can take up to 10g (10,000 mg) per day safely. That sounds like too much.

But for people who are rebuilding our dopamine, I wonder what dosage is ideal or would offer maximum benefits.

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I think it really depends on the person and what they want to get from taking it. For me, less is best. Even in early recovery, I didn't take over 2,000 mg in a day and I liked the 500 mg size better than the 1,000 mg pills. I took one pill about every four hours. I always feel the second pill of the day more than the first. I still take them, but only infrequently now. I dunno what the effects are of taking too much or when overdosage occurs. But, Jesus, TEN GRAMS? They are like no other supplement for me - a natural antidepressent and mood elevator all in one little package - and you can buy 'em at GNC.

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I take 1000 mg /day. Usually in the morning and sometimes an addtional 500 mg in the afternoon -- if I remember. I take tyrosine in the morning with atro-phex which has B-vitamins in it, and don't notice a huge difference in taking 1000 mg vs 500. Maybe I should take more lol...

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  • 1 month later...

Ok, so I'm going to pick up some tyrosine tomorrow. Anyone know of a comprehensive site for vitamin dosages and interactions? I've been reading up and its sooooo confusing to keep track of, plus I got a vitamin container, like the monday thru Sunday things but the probiotic needs to stay in the fridge and I cannot for the life of me remember if I've taken it or not! I've always had that problem with meds( except adderall of course, aaaalllwaaays could tell when I took that!) any suggestions on how to remember?

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Maybe it was the cloudy weather, or maybe it was a case of the Mondays, or maybe it was the split night of sleep I got last night, but today I was still feeling pretty PAWSy after my time-wasting adventures in PAWs-land yesterday. Took an evening catnap and decided tonight was the night I wanted to try a high dose of Tyrosine. Took 3 grams. With 200mg of 5-htp and a cappuccino. (Keep in mind I have a tolerance to all of these things.)

Feeling about a hundred million times better! Not anxious, not speedy, but alert, energized, aware, awake, with an overall sense of well-being that has eradicated all those unnecessary negative thought cycles. I feel like I'm back in possession of something my brain has been lacking for a long, long time. :P

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  On 4/16/2013 at 2:13 AM, occasional01 said:

Feeling about a hundred million times better! Not anxious, not speedy, but alert, energized, aware, awake, with an overall sense of well-being that has eradicated all those unnecessary negative thought cycles. I feel like I'm back in possession of something my brain has been lacking for a long, long time. :P

Three grams? The most I have ever tried is one gram at a time. the good thing about tyrosine is that it is not a speedy feeling - just kind of euphoric and giddy. Throw some lions mane into that stack and it could get even better!

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I've read a few places its the max safe dosage, though I've heard of up to 10g/day is safe. Who knows though, with all these unregulated supplements.


It lasted about 6 hours which I believe is standard. The energy boost faded, but the positive mood and increased self confidence did not crash. I was smiling until I went to sleep.

On a side note, I read that you have to use the right proportions of 5-HTP and Tyrosine or else your brain chemistry can become imbalanced.

I just ordered some Lions Mane capsules! I'm thinking that this whole combo, plus sleep, exercise, and green smoothies, is what my body's highest wisdom has ordered for fighting writer's block and reaching this finish line adderall-free!

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Ok. Sooooo I've gotten tyrosine and have been taking 500mg a day. I think its causing a headache or its from sleeping in my contacts, idk. I've got the stupids in any case. Soooo the lady at GNC said don't take 5 HTP and tyrosine. Buuuuuuut I feel like absolute fuckall ( yes that's a condition ;) and at a complete loss. If one needs sleep to manufacture dopamine and that's all I freaking do, why am I so miserable? Also I hurt. Like old man bone and muscle aches. Anything for that?

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Headaches are common for taking too much Tyrosine. Especially if you're not used to it. Maybe you're just really sensitive to it. Maybe try a lower dose first? Are you taking B vitamins with it?

Certain foods help your body build dopamine too. But really what it's gonna take is TIME. You have to wait it out. Just think of all the time you spent on adderall and all the dopamine and other adrenal chemicals you expended over time. Your body is massively burned out. Do an internet search for adrenal fatigue, I think we probably all wind up with a huge case of it as part of quitting.

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Tyrosine can trigger headaches/migraines.

I used to get a lot of headaches, and when I removed bananas from my diet I got less headaches. Bananas contain tyrosine and can trigger headaches in some people. I used to eat a banana every day, now it's only occasionally.

A multivitamin, good diet and exercise is all you need. No supplement is ever going to come close to an amphetamine, so save your money and accept that time is what will fix your brain.

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I'm not worried about mimicking adderall. This is the second time in life I've done this, unfortunately. I was 18 last time though so my health didn't take quite the same dive it did this one. I'm more concerned about feeling horrible and taking the right a supplements to replenish my body. Plus I'm afraid speedy stuff will start my hair falling out so its not that so much as being miserable overall. Like I feeeeel depleted. And beat up internally. And depressed. Trying to replenish all aspects of myself. Patience is a virtue etc. etc. but obviously not my strong point. Adderall is not exactly a chill person's medication.

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  • 2 months later...

I've been taking 1500 mg in the AM and I don't feel like it does much. It sounds like I can try 1500 mg in the evening too. B-vitamins and magneseum oxide are things I take with it. My neuro told me to take 500 mg mag-oxide and 400 mg B-2 for migraines so I am doing that too as I get migrained. I didn't realize the L-Tyrosine can cause headaches or migraines. Good to know.

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I also feel beat up and totally depressed and exhausted as all get out. Wasn't able to get off the couch much today until now in the evening. Kept feeling like I should just be able to snap out of it. What a horrible feeling and I've only cut down from 20 mg to 10 mg. and it seemed to take a week before my brain noticed it was lacking that much and started this hungover dead feeling.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  On 2/24/2013 at 3:36 PM, lea said:

I take 1000 mg /day. Usually in the morning and sometimes an addtional 500 mg in the afternoon -- if I remember. I take tyrosine in the morning with atro-phex which has B-vitamins in it, and don't notice a huge difference in taking 1000 mg vs 500. Maybe I should take more lol...


Hi Lea, 


I stopped taking the atro-phex because it felt a bit like being overcaffeinated.  I got the jitters.  


You're right about the remembering thing!  After coming back to the forums a bit more recently, I remembered to go to the health food store today and stock up.  I haven't taken any supplements for about a month.  Duh, no wonder I feel shitty.  I bought L-Tyrosene 1000 (I used to take 1000 in the morning and 1000 at about lunchtime), DMEA ( and sublingual B12.  I also have a really high quality multivitamin that is just sitting on the shelf.  


I did think those little packets of whatever it was that was sent to me by that company trying to use this platform as a marketing tool...(had racetams etc in it, you know, a "proprietary blend"), helped, but it was super expensive and I'm pretty sure I could replicate it myself without too much effort.  It's just the damned consistency thing that I gotta get better at!! 

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Hi MFA - You sound so good! Just sayin'  :D I've also stopped taking atro-phex and have gone back to 5-hour energies.  I still can't stand drinking them but they do give me a boost - one in the am, one in the afternoon.  They taste too nasty to abuse.  I'm definitely over so-called smart drugs and proprietary blends. I feel like I've tried everything and with no noticeable, lasting change it's not worth the risk of putting something unknown into my body. Yet I still drink 5-hour energy so I guess it's all relative.  Anyway... I've been traveling a lot this summer and will definitely PM my next trip to NYC which will be in the fall.  Take care.  xo.

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A good cup of green tea really helps me in the afternoon now. Coffee sort of makes me feel weird, but it's good in the morning - sort of. The energy drinks make me feel sort of weird and the come down feels like Adderall to me, so I've not been bothering.


Anyway, I'm glad I learned of L-Tyrosine again in my life on this forum as it relates to adderall withdrawal. It really helped me.

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