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Nuvigil nonsense?????


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Guess its been around but I hadn't heard of it...don't know why. The ad comes on the radio and its geared towards working fucked up job shifts?????? FOR REAL????? so you can just say you're on the grave shift and can't stay awake and blammmmm...here ya go???? Are u kidding me. Well I checked it out and its the pharmaceutical wheels greases each other ..seems a patents ending so theyre just really naming the shit..blah,blah...insurance rarely covers it and shits like 400.00 a month to buy. What the fuck are these people doing...give an easy??? Way to get what seems like low grade speed to get thru a shift at work. How conveinient that story woulda been back in the day...though it states stipulations...I don't know bout that, but I know I could get a script for addies from my ob/gyn...just seems this is almost an easier route except the price of course...but I'm shaking my head that all of the sudden all the kids are gonna have their narcolepsy diagnosis firmly in hand...or swing shift disease...what the fuck ever. Some well dressed C.E.O is bringing home some bank off. this shit. Total bullshit.

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Yeah,I read mixed reviews from people whom you could ummm tell what they were looking for. LOL ...but damn how much easier can they make this...and how many fucked up reasons that you need it. Insane. Pushing the shit right on my moms "lite rock" station. Wtf!

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Trainspotting!!!!!! How I came to hate that movie!!!! Watched it for some reason with my husband and had to get up and go into.the bathroom many times to cry and pace...watching a bunch of fuckups inject the only happy they could find in LIFE...you could see it in their faces ...the pure lust for something that doesn't have a heartbeat....which is something their tiny baby in the crib didn't have either by the time the d-bags were done feeding their veins. Grrrrrrrrr!!! That movie just evokes a life lived not all that long ago...but yeah MFA you're right on that one. Sorry if I was over the top...its still very raw.

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