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It’s been one full month off of stimulants. Tracking how I feel and what’s changed. 

My energy and motivation is still quite low. I’ve been drinking far too much caffeine and using l-tyrosine, but overall I don’t feel my energy levels are quite back to where I’d hoped they’d be. I almost always feel like I need an afternoon nap, which is not something I have time to do every day. 

That being said, sleep is amazing. I love sleeping. I slept so little when I was abusing stimulants, it’s really spectacular to be resting again. 

My job performance hasn’t suffered, which has taken me by surprise. Although focus does require a little more effort, I don’t feel I’ve become worse at my job. That’s been a huge relief. 

My clothes are tight and I feel/look very bloated. I wish I didn’t care, but I am a dancer and part time Pilates teacher so I see my body in tight clothes in giant mirrors for hours every day. I so deeply wish I didn’t care. I’m considering starting the horribly lame and tedious task of counting calories. 


It’s so helpful to hear and learn from others with more experience in this process. If you have anything to share or offer I would truly appreciate it. 

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