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I've been reading this book obsessively. My subconscious and conscious obsession with Adderall has made a book about amphetamines all the more interesting.

It's all about how JFK, Hitler, Johnny Cash and many others have used the drug and the drug's affect on our culture.

It's fairly cheap on amazon and I suggest it to anyone out there. 41Z4yOoObyL._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click-small,TopRight,12,-30_SX240_SY320_CR,0,0,240,320_SH20_OU01_.jpg

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Yeah I started to read that book but I stopped because its almost the same thing as On Speed.

On speed is more comprehensive.

Have you read that one yet?

These books I think all adderall addicts quitting should read because there is so much more to prescription speed then Anyone of us ever knew and these two books are really eye opening.

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I read On Speed and The Amphetamine Debate, which are almost word for word the same, at least in the beginning. On Speed is a better read IMO.

I felt like I got a lot out of the amphetamine debate, especially because it went more in depth on adderall induced psychosis which is what i was trying to understand at the time. but yeah there was a lot of rehashing of On Speed in it. both books were clearly inspired or derivatives of On Speed.

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