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The video was amusing, but you have a history of saying really upsetting things. You think its funny when children get hurt? We al come here to lean on one another. These types of comments that you make are counter productive and very upsetting to me. Many of us are suffering in our quitting process. It certainly hasn't been easy for me and I was on a super low dose, but I'm dealing with the aftermath of depression. Reading things like that that you write are just plain awful. Please be mindful of this.

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The video was amusing, but you have a history of saying really upsetting things. You think its funny when children get hurt? We al come here to lean on one another. These types of comments that you make are counter productive and very upsetting to me. Many of us are suffering in our quitting process. It certainly hasn't been easy for me and I was on a super low dose, but I'm dealing with the aftermath of depression. Reading things like that that you write are just plain awful. Please be mindful of this.

I don't find children getting maimed or killed funny, but watching a youtube compilation of children getting injured is funny to me.

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Kyle can you save your trolling for reddit, maybe?

Many of us love to be anti-establishment somehow, but I personally try to be a better person on this site - people here make me want to be.

We all want the best for you Kyle - I'm sorry but you seem to come across as so bitter sometimes. You have sometimes offered some of the most profound insights and can be genuinely sensitive. I'm sorry for whatever it is you are going through - let us try to help you.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Kyle can you save your trolling for reddit, maybe?

Many of us love to be anti-establishment somehow, but I personally try to be a better person on this site - people here make me want to be.

We all want the best for you Kyle - I'm sorry but you seem to come across as so bitter sometimes. You have sometimes offered some of the most profound insights and can be genuinely sensitive. I'm sorry for whatever it is you are going through - let us try to help you.

I didn't say that to offend anyone or really consider it trolling, I just stated my opinion on the types of videos that I enjoy..I really find it hard to believe that anyone would care/would find it offensive that someone feels differently than them when it comes to taste in YouTube videos..


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