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Physical Side Effects


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What are the negative physical effects of adderall specifically and how does your body regulate itself after you quit? I noticed hair thinning, problems with my teeth, and really bad skin after using adderall for a long period. Before I started I barely had to wash my face and my skin was flawless now I use proactive and it still doesn't help much. Could this just be in my head or are these real side effects? If so how long will it take for my body to go back to normal.

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  • 2 months later...

What are the negative physical effects of adderall specifically and how does your body regulate itself after you quit? I noticed hair thinning, problems with my teeth, and really bad skin after using adderall for a long period. Before I started I barely had to wash my face and my skin was flawless now I use proactive and it still doesn't help much. Could this just be in my head or are these real side effects? If so how long will it take for my body to go back to normal.

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To my knowledge and experience, the side effects occur during the intake of Adder all. Acne and oily, tan or red face is consistent with regular use and abuse. Lack of adequate fluid intake and food is also common- days without eating. Your skin should be OK as long as you maintain a healthy diet and skin regiment. Hair loss may be result of poor nutrition. If you can afford it, purchase the supplements mentioned on this forum. Also if you have access to a juicer- this is the best way for fast absorption of vitamins and easy method for consuming numerous vegetables at one time

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  • 4 weeks later...

I take Biotin everyday, and it really made a difference. I haven't figured out how to combat the oily/acne prone skin problem yet. I could tell you what doesn't work. I see a dermatologist and he prescribed me Benzol Peroxide face wash and Differin Gel. It doesn't help my skin as much as it used to. My face is so oily! I couldn't wait for winter and the dry skin that comes with the colder weather. This is the first winter that I haven't needed to use a moisturizer morning and night. I have researched the main culprits of oily skin. It's really difficult to do, but washing your face too much strips your skin of natural oils thus causing an overhaul in oil production. It's so tempting to remove the oil slick on my face that surfaces about 4 times a day. Sometimes I will use plain water to freshen up my face. That doesn't count as washing.

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