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How to deal with Friends on Addys When You Quit


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I recently decided to quit adderall. My best friend continues to use it and does not see it as a problem. I know he does not need adderall and have I seen the drastic change in his personality over time since he started from normal person to total zombie (which is another reason I knew I had to stop before I got to the point he is at). He says I am crazy for thinking adderall is harmful. How do I continue a relationship with this person? Should I continue a relationship with this person? Especially since I just quit being around someone who is obviously using and who I know has them at all times is a stressful situation. Would you recommend not spending time with people who are currently abusing adderall?

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How long has it been since you quit?

Let him know that you still value the friendship but it would really piss you off if he EVER offered you a pill.

If your friendship is based mostly on doing adderall (addie buddies) you will likely find that there is not much else in common. And the friendship will end.

If it is a friendship with more in common than tweaking together, it will survive you quitting and him using. Either way, you will likely want to spend less time together until you have recovered from quitting.

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