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Freedom's Wings

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  On 10/27/2013 at 1:00 PM, Freedom said:

Good morning all! I hope this weekend brings you much peace and comfort.


That can be tough. I'd like to say at least there are no more secrets. How'd they handle it??


How are u doing??

They were very concerned, still are.

Angry, sad, glad i am trying to stop...again.

I feel sick.

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I know exactly how you feel and the bright side can seem miles away on day 4, but you gotta know that this is NOT a linear process; yet, it is all a part of the process and as unfortunate as it may seem right now, remember Nothing worth it in life comes easy. Keep fighting friend! You will get there.I will be your strength where you are weak. I believe in you!

If you have to, take a step back and take a few deep breaths. Remind yourself that you are safe and everything is ok. Try to allow yourself to take it sloww. You have been running on 3000 for so long now, normal pace or the trudge of daily life as I call it at times, can seem a bit much, but this is where you will also find true and lasting happiness and memories. So allow yourself to smell the roses, even if right now that consist of only having another day far away from the hellish pill that caused all this turmoil.

Have you considered meditation?? It really helps clear the mind if only for the moment, then you can begin to build from that...

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And so it seems each one of us who were taking "The 30 day challenge" on this pade has indeed successfully graduated to the 60 day. I am so proud of everyone for sticking together and for their efforts. Pat on the back to each participant and every supporter! Thankyou. Now what do you say, shall we smoke 'The 60 day challenge?' Well....what are you waiting for??? I'll meet you there! Toodles for now my beautiful people. May you continue to be Well!

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  On 11/3/2013 at 8:04 PM, Freedom said:


Glad to hear from you. Kudos on day 11. How would you like to join in on the 60 day??

I would LOVE to!! I am NEVER going back to adderall. I feared saying it. But i mean it. I have no choice. I am so much happier off of it. And regardless of that, i am 21. I am too old to be fucking around with any pills

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I am elated you see that you continue to move in a positive direction. A victory for one is a victory for all! 

Regarding the 60 day challenge, what are you waiting for??? Come onnnn join the movement! lol. There's room for everyone. Make sure to check -in on " THE 60 DaY CHALLENGE," thread as a show of accepting the dare. Then, continue daily (preferably)  to follow up on your progress, posting confirmation of your ability to abstain from adderall.  We got this!! 



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