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Intravenous amino acid therapy to reduce withdrawal by 80% & eliminate cravings

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Hi I am in search for serious recovery aids from amphetamine addiction damage as I’ve been a seriously full on daily amphetamine user for years now and have only ever been able to handle a week max of cold turkey attempts due to the withdrawal being extremely intense and unbearable. Yeah pretty worried about the damage it’s done so I’ve realised I really need to seek extra withdrawal support if I’m to successfully recover. I’ve since learnt about megadose amino acid therapy does wonders for getting through withdrawals and rapidly restoring neurotransmitter balances thereby speeding up the whole process and not only that but reducing withdrawals by 70-80% intensity and even eliminating them and cravings by the 4th day, feeling amazing by the 8th day and all completed by day 10 back to normal. It’s serious though as it’s not just taking capsules or powder it’s having daily intravenous amino acid and relevant cofactors and enzymes therapy every day as an outpatient for 10days. As I haven’t heard much about this till recently I wanted to ask if anyone here /reading this post has ever done this kind of thing? And if so could you PLEASE share your experience and your background addiction level (I.e. if u have been as severe addict as me) ??

I would love to hear of other people’s experiences who have actually done intravenous amino acid addiction therapy and find out if it really is as good as I’ve learnt for relatively painless recovery from amphetamine/? And which clinic you went to? I’m pretty eager to give it a go, it could only help or leave me in the same spot I’m in now anyway? Thanks..

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This might help you if you can't even go a week without using amphetamines and the early withdrawal is your biggest problem, but this hardly seems like a long term solution for recovery. For me, the worst part of recovery was months 2-4. That's when I was severely depressed and at my lowest point physically and psychologically. I'm skeptical of an "80% success rate." Surely that's a short term claim. It's relatively easy to get someone clean for a week, is it not? What happens after ten days when you're not getting the injections anymore?


I've heard of these type of clinics and 'd be really skeptical about paying a lot of money for something like this if I were you. The truth about addiction recovery is that it's a long, slow, painful process. You must be willing to put in the work, and the time, and accept that you will feel like shit for a long time until you heal. Your brain went through slow structural changes over years of drug use. Do you really believe that can be reversed in 10 days? I guess if you have money to burn there's no harm in trying this but from what I've heard, the prices for this are outrageous. I'd be worried that these places are taking advantage of a desperate population.

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The theory is that you can restore your brain's neurotransmitter balance that amphetamines have depleted you of in a more rapid way then the traditional approach of a a long time of abstinence and restoring through food intake, oral vitamins and abstinent time, by administering your body directly into the blood megadoses of what it needs for the process bypassing all the steps of the digestion tract etc. there is only so much you can consume in food and then it has to break down several times to then use the nutrients for neurotransmitter synthesis and if you have absorbtion problems it's even longer till you'll recover this way. Where as with intravenous vitamin therapy you're getting exactly what your brain needs including all the synergistic cofactors and enzymes to synthesis neurotransmitters your body goes into a frenzy over in withdrawals, and directly into the blood ready for use. It means in 10 days this way you have full brain restoration and then ready to tackle the psychological side of addiction and continue with oral vitamins for relapse prevention and maintenance. Seeing as though your administering your body the natural chemicals it's craving (rather then amphetamine ones) it gets to work repairing and restoring and the claims are that this can reduce withdrawal intensity by 70-80% for days 1-3 and then possibly eliminate them aswell as cravings for the remainder of the 10 day treatment. After that you continue on a maintenance program of oral supplements. Oral vitamins and supplements aren't often enough support for cold turkey drug addiction recovery and hence the low success rate. I guess intravenous methods would be more for people who have tried traditional methods and not been successful. It gave me some hope as I've obviously done a lot of damage from my addictions and not been successful doing traditional cold turkey and am at the point of either doing intravenous amino acid therapy and cold turkey OR tapering slowly which would be a much longer method and take all year as I'm on 80mg dexamphetamine/daily. Thus trying to find out about other peoples experiences who have done intravenous therapies as part of my research as it is quite a controversial therapy?

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Sounds extreme.  I realize you are terrified of the withdrawal and lengthy recovery process, but you WILL survive it if you are determined enough to quit and stay quit.  Why would you like to quit at this point in your life?  One thing in common amongst all of us recovering amphetamine users is that we did, indeed quit the drug and accept our recovery ups and downs as part of the process.  We have also accepted that total abstinence is a critical part of that process.


However, if my mind were still influenced by Adderall use, I would think the process you are describing would be worth trying.  Your mind is wired differently on Adderall, and not always in a bad way.  But it does completely change the way you think and sometimes the over-rational becomes irrational but you can't see that through the haze of drug use.


I suggest the old fashioned, boring, painful but very successful method of a simple cold turkey Quit.

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Who said anything about free lunch- im only seeking feedback from anyone whos actually tried this therapy before. I figure why suffer more than you need to if there is a less traumatic way available and studies show that those who partake have higher abstinent rates significantly and much less relapse rates and not only that feel good by the end of it too- quite often people turn to drugs due to less than optimal brain function and balance and this therapy heals that thereby making cravings disappear and enhance cognition and feelings of wellbeing. Also some people literally cant endure withdrawal and the often many months it takes of endurance of recovering and it give them an option to choose recovery. Anyway ive only learnt of studies and clinic patient feedback so far and im trying to get feedback from people that I can be sure isnt biased. So if anyone has done intravenous amino acid vutamin therapy for addiction recovery or know friends who have I would really love to hear from you?

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I would be interested to hear more about this topic. Is it mainly for detox purposes? Does it help with the repairing process? Are there side effects? Besides the acute benefits what are the long term benefits? Are there any sound scientific studies on it? (that would play an important role in my decision) I think this is a good place to start in finding possible feedback. As many of us have researched a plethora of different stimulant related issues on our journey to recovery. What is the exact name of the treatment? What are the names of some of the clinics that offer it? I am going to try to look into this a little some time this week and will let you know if I find anything helpful. Please keep us posted. 

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Yes it restores the neurotransmitter deficiencies in the brain from amphetamine damage over the 10 day process. Days 1-3 you experience withdrawals but 70-80% less intense then traditional methods, day 4-10 cravings are significantly reduced and often eliminated completely day five some people say they feel great and clear headed, day 10 complete restoration has usually completed and you're ready to tackle any psychological aspects of addiction. It's actually really good for you less traumatic and claims to fix the source of the problem that usually causes people to turn to addiction. Quite often people who turn to adderall have unknown of neurotransmitter deficiencies and it's self medicating this and becomes attractive because it's artificially fixing the imbalance and it's associated emotional or cognitive issues so this therapy is meant to fix that naturally hence the reason it reduces and eliminates cravings and produces stronger recovery rates.so the long term benefits are more likely to stay recovered and not relapse, improved mood, better thinking and better overall sense of wellbeing and much more. There are a number of studies done on this using rats and addicts and alcohol scattered over the internet that i have found and I haven't been able to find one thing negative about it and all only positive ones compared to the group that did tradition recovery methods. It's name is just "intravenous amino acid addiction therapy" or another place called it NAD. A good clinic that explains it is www.healmindbody.com under addiction recovery program. Hope that helps.

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