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I was doing pretty good for almost a month...but I relapsed a couple weeks ago. I can't even remember why I started back on this shit. I'm sure it was so I could do some stupid task; which ended up being more and more stupid "tasks" I had to do :roll: (so I thought..in my addie mind).

I thought I could try cold turkey but I became too depressed for the past couple of days, not to mention I work as a Resource teacher (so I can't avoid people for a week or 2). I have come up with a plan to wean off. I live near my mom, so I am going to put the pills in weekly containers and pick up the the next days dosage every night. I was taking between 20-30mg a day and sometimes less for the past couple of weeks...so, I figure I can at least handle coming off with the following schedule:

Days 1-8 22.5mg

Days 9-17 15mg

Days 18-25 7.5mg

Days 19-26 3.75mg

I will also exercise (bike or running and weights) during these 4 weeks.

Does this sound like a plausible plan??? Too fast or not fast enough? I really want to get of and stay off! ...but I can't deal with the extreme depression, anxiety, and all the other shit that goes along with withdrawel from the evil add.!

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I think you can do it. I'm in the process of getting off of it myself (first day with no Adderall). If you are worried about the depression aspect, weaning would probably be the best way to go, and if you can stick to the schedule, then I would think you'd be OK. I personally am struggling with feeling a bit down at the moment, so I definitely understand how you feel.



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Thanks Liz...I wish I could just be done with it. Mentally I would feel so much better about myself if I didn't have to depend on it for even 1 more day, but I don't think that's an option. I am going to faithfully stick to the schedule, and hopefully I will be able to stop sooner than I have planned to.

Good luck to you to! WE can beat this terrible, evil, senseless drug!!!

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