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dental health & adderall


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I just got back from six month cleaning/1 year xrays.  Every time--without fail--i have a ton of dental work that needs to be done.  This time--four cavities and root canal/crown.  In a YEAR.  Does adderall have a negative impact on dental health?  I'm certain it does--we all know about "meth mouth" I don't see any reason to expect adderall to be different.


My bigger question is whether my dental health will improve now that I have quit?  In the past four years I've spent $10,000.00 on my teeth easily.  A rootcanal/crown is going to be about $1,500....plus another handful of fillings....I really hope my teeth improve.


any one w/ experience with this, i'd love to hear your stories!

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Yes, the dehydrating effect of adderall causes less saliva production, which is bad for your teeth. I personally have never had problems with my teeth on or off adderall but I know a lot of people here have, and there is a lengthy article on this site about how Mike (site's founder) had to get extensive dental work done due to adderall usage.

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I have a friend who used a lot of speed back in the 80's and she said it really screwed up her teeth.  I have other friends who used a lot of meth and now they have dentures.  During my years on Adderall, I was aware of the risk so I took extra calcium supplements.  I believe that speed leaches the calcium from your teeth and bones and other places where it is needed.  Despite taking the calcium and having good dental hygiene, I still had more dental issues towards the end of my 9 year habit.  In fact, my teeth were so weak that I had to give up eating nuts until about a year after quitting.

In the 3.5 years since quitting, I have not had a cavity.  I have had some issues with fillings breaking and crowns coming off, in fact I have to get fitted for another crown tomorrow because of a cracked molar.  But in general, my teeth and the rest of my body are much better off since quitting Adderall. 

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