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Work Out Recommendations?


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Hi All,


I quit Adderall 10 days ago. I don't regularly work out but I want to get in better shape and hopefully fend off gaining a ton of weight now that I've quit. I'm not super skinny but I'm the proper weight for my height right now so hoping to stay around where I'm at.


Even though I'm feeling much lazier overall, I feel more pent up energy inside and WANT to work out. I'm used to having to force myself and then I hated how high my heart rate would getting working out on Adderall so I usually didn't do it. 


Anyone have any workout recommendations for home workouts? I'm looking for something to ease me back into working out to start with not something totally intense like P90x.


Thanks for the advice!


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Running and push-ups work great for me. It's pretty amazing how quickly your body starts to respond to the workouts. Within a few weeks I started seeing results and then it becomes really enjoyable and you become much more motivated. I gained a few pounds at first after I quit but it seemed to level out after a few months. I was starving at first! Good luck

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I think as long as you find exercise that you enjoy, it'll be great!   There are so many different activities you can do..just find something you like so you'll stick to it.  I personally love running, biking, and sports.  I also enjoy weight lifting and yoga.  I think more than anything though, just get out and start doing something and you'll start feeling so much better each day. 


Good job!

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