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Trouble with eye contact??


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Has anyone had trouble keeping eye contact while on adderall? Like you want to completely avoid eye contact and if you force yourself to look the person in the eyes you feel anxious and weird while they are talking to you????? Never had this problem before, but its really fucking annoying.

also.. I have a problem with being hyper aware of people and their energy. For example, at dance class when we are free styling... I am hyper aware of the other people in the studio watching us all and literally loose the ability to dance well because my brain is obsessing over what they are thinking or judging about me. Same goes once im on stage. I cant focus on my dancing or routine because I get distracted and hyper aware of the people watching me thinking about what they are thinking? Not sure if this makes since, if anyone can relate or if it is due to adderall or not. 



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Yes, I know exactly what you're talking about. I really tried to avoid any kind of interaction with ppl while on it because It just felt so uncomfortable. In meetings at work, I remember being so conscious about how many times I was blinking. Like I had to remember to blink and then couldn't tell if I looked at twitchy as I felt lmao. I couldn't have even imagined going to a dance class while on it. It made me feel all around socially awkward.

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Adderall made me extremely socially awkward. I could not stand to make eye contact with anyone and basically it got so bad that I got to a point where I could barely leave my house. Even though I've been off Adderall for over 18 months now, I still feel a bit of that social awkwardness. Not nearly as bad, but it's still there. It takes a long time to get back to your normal self. Why delay the recovery any longer? Sounds like it may be time for you to quit. You may have to ditch the dancing job though if you want your quit to be successful. How bad do you really want it?

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this anxiety just happens every so often. However, most the time adderall helps me socially which is why i depend on it for the social aspect of my job. Not to mention i was already socially awkward before. although i have trouble with eye contact and completing tasks while being watched by others... It does make me very conversational savvy and better with my words as I can more easily but my thoughts into sentences.

I think the social awkwardness happens when im coming down. 

Right now Id pick the dancing job over trying to commit to quitting because I dont want to quit just yet.  Id rather first attempt to get control over my intake to a healthy dose. Last month I thought I was going to be evicted from my apartment in which i pay 1,300 a month. (my parents just cut me off) This month, my first month dancing...I made four times my rent working just 2-4 days a week and I actually really love my job. It comes easy to me, im young (22), and having fun! The good out ways the bad. For now.

I am going to do stop binging. Stop abusing and stick to my regular dose. I am fully aware that I need to quit. I just need to want to to be successful, and I want/need the job more. 



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Im pretty sure there's nothing we could say to make you change your mind. For several years, there was absolutely nothing that could have convinced me of the disaster that was in store for me. I would give ANYTHING to go back to the beginning and make the decision to heed the early warning signs. You've already taken notice of those, but the consequences aren't yet great enough, and I get that but you are so young, and you've only been on this a year. You can find another job and save yourself a lot of pain down the road. And if you really loved your job as you say, you wouldn't need it anyways. I didn't think I could do my job without it (adderall made me think what I do is fascinating when in reality, it's horribly tedious) and you know what, I hardly can which means this was the WRONG choice for me. I would have never been naturally driven to do what I'm doing, so now at 28 I'm looking at starting over. You don't want this, trust me lol. I also relate to taking adderall for depression, this will only work for awhile though, and when it's  all said and done, it will be exacerbated x100. At least, that's been my experience. I do wish you well though. Good luck on your journey 

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I'm 1.5 months from my last pill (after 11 years on Adderall) and my anxiety, eye contact, and confidence are all WAY up. There may be more factors at play here including my pre-Adderall baseline anxiety, my new 'diet' and current state in life.

I had crazy anxiety on Addy-- I would avoid at all costs being on it while around others during most of my tenure on the devil (Adderall). I now walk with my head high and speak what's on my mind without hesitation. Even though I'm single and my finances are not great (due in part to some stupid decisions while binging), I find myself now to be happier than I've been in a very long time. Life is much more enjoyable off the Addy. Period.

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