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AA/NA meetings


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Hi everyone,

Just wondering if anyone has had any success going to AA/NA meetings to help with their recovery. Obviously being an adderall addict you would think that NA is more      appropriate but my therapist thinks that I would benefit from AA. I think it's because she knows of a really good women's only group that she thinks i would be comfortable in. She said that both groups work the 12 steps but that NA focuses more on a more individual rather than focusing on the assistance of a higher power which is a big part of AA. She said that I would benefit from both but recommends AA. I'm really nervous to go to my first meeting and can't seem to get myself to go. If you've had any experiences with either I'd greatly appreciate your input :)

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Hey Taylor,

I'm involved in both fellowships, but more active in NA. In my area, there's a lot of crossover between the two. The main reason why I prefer NA is the literature, it's much newer and more applicable to my life. I'd suggest Living Clean the Journey Continues. There's nothing wrong with AA, and there does tend to be a little more sobriety in terms of collective years in AA fellowships because of the relative ages of the programs. But for me, I always felt a little phoney in AA rooms because I was never a huge drinker. I think the difference between the two is super obvious in their first steps: AA: "powerless over alcohol" NA: "powerless over our addiction."

I prefer to focus on the disease of addiction because I believe it was THAT that ld me to adderall, not the substance itself. Good luck to you, I hope you find peace in whichever you decide! 12 Step fellowships are beautiful things. Early on, I'd really suggest just going to as many meetings as possible in both programs and really finding ones where you feel comfortable, there's a lot more diversity/variety in meeting type/ambiance than you'd think - be proactive about finding what works for you!

Just for Today,


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