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90 Day Update: Extreme Brain Fog


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Hi All,

Told my story a few months ago here: 

To quickly recap though I was on around 20-30mg everyday for a year plus. I went cold turkey March 1st. I had one slip up about 2 weeks when I was out drinking and took some, but outside of that have been good and am committed to not letting it happen again. 

I have 2 main symptoms that continue to plague me

1-Brain Fog: The Fog is so intense and scary that it makes me think I have a brain tumor or something. Its not a headache its almost like my brain is "sticky" or "heavy" if that makes sense. Some days are better than others but most days are bad. 

2: Pulsating Temples: The temples on the right and left side of my forehead will not stop pulsating. Obviously it increases when stressed/tired, but for the past 3 weeks its been nonstop and scaring the shit out of me. I went to a neurologist and have a scan scheduled to be safe, but he told me if I'm experiencing this I should go back on adderall (eye roll).

These two symptoms are just really freaking me out and compounding into more anxiety. Does anyone have experience with similar symptoms and advice for how long they last/relief?

Thank you. 



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Brain fog is normal.  The pulsating temples might last for a while.  I've never heard of that, but I had several tremors ant twitches before and after quitting.  The twitches in my lower extremities lasted for years, and my tongue thrashed around my mouth for many months after quitting.

Please don't let the brain fog or pulsations discourage you or cause anxiety.  It will get much better the longer you are off this shit.  And the doctor who said you should just go back on it...... is not somebody I would go back to.  

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Brain fog was terrible in the first 7-8 months for me. I felt so dumb and useless. It’s just part of the recovery. It got better for me at 9 months and beyond. I think it was completely lifted about half way through the second year but I took a lot more than you for 5 years. Hang in there, it will get better as long as you don’t get back on it. 

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