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That’s amazing! Congratulations on your sobriety, engagement and everything else. It is so important to allow ourselves to feel happy, proud and positive about how far we’ve come. And also to share it with this community for those who feel like things will never get better. They do. Time passes, even when you are struggling and every day clean is a day closer to the life you want! 

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Congratulations Drew!!!  I can’t even tell you how many lonely and dark nights I read posts from you that gave me strength and hope. Your earlier posts were honest and made me feel less alone. I am so happy to have you here in this amazing group of strong and REAL people. Thank You. 

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  On 5/1/2020 at 5:28 PM, DrewK15 said:

Hey all, it has now been 2 continuous years since I last used Adderall and Vyvanse; May 6 will mark 2 years since I have had any drink or drug (I struggled with Adderall, alcohol, weed, and vicodin). It's been a long journey to this point, but at the same time it feels like the time has flown by and I am so thankful that drugs and alcohol no longer run the show in my life. I'm thankful for this forum, for the opportunity it gave me to read, learn, and not feel alone. And now to help others who are earlier on in the journey. You all matter and have played a role in my recovery.

My life is better now. It really is. Looking back at my old posts and remembering the journey it's crazy to see how far I've come. I posted a lot about loneliness, emotional issues dealing with unemployment, moving back in with my mom, meaninglessness, lack of confidence, etc. Circumstantially every one of those things have improved. I'm starting a great new job in a few weeks, I'll be able financially to move out next year, I'm planning on getting married next spring, and I'm in better shape than ever. But recovery isn't really about getting your stuff back. Things either happen or they don't. The circumstances don't actually change what goes on inside of us. In some ways I am struggling more while things are good, because there will always be a part of me that thinks things could be "just a little bit better or more exciting". I still get bored, feel lonely, go through bouts of being down, and have some awful days. But that's ok, life is good. I can sit quietly in a room alone. And I no longer need another drink, drag, or drug to get through my days. I'm free.


This is very inspiring to read.  Thank you.  I know it will happen for me.  I've been there.  I just have to get back there again. 

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