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Runny nose on adderall?


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Thank God for the runny nose syndrome! Only when I took too many did it happen. I believe that was the ONE thing that kept me from taking truly insane amounts of adderall. My threshold was about 120 to 150 mg in a day and anything at or above that level caused my nose to run in a constant stream for an entire day. Another overdose effect was "tears of fire". My eyes would water up and then start to run, but the tears felt like burning acid or something. Usually one eye at a time, and that would last for a couple of hours and the only way to feel better was to keep the eye closed. Kinda tough when you are driving at night....

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YES!! I have always had a runny nose on adderall ever since I first started taking it! I know of a lot of other people and friends who take adderall and haven't experienced this like I have though. I just always had to blow my nose a lot lol. I've never experienced "tears of fire" but it sounds aweful :(

But dehydration for sure for sure. Even if I drank water all day long. Which I do and have done every day too! My mouth, eyes, and skin would still feel dehydrated.. for a while I even started taking these random like H20 Hydration supplements (I can't remember right now what they were called exactly) but was convinced for a while that they were making a difference and either helping my body use or retain water better or just improve hydration overall I guess. But they were expensive..like $30, so I kind of just quit buying them

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