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Any stimulant will stimulate your colon. Therefore when you come off, you will naturally be constipated. I know this sounds gross but look into coffee enemas to cleanse your liver and restart. Stay away from dairy products as they cause a very sluggish digestive system, create mucus and candida and mental fog, I could go on all day on the negative side effects of consuming dairy. Eat fiber and take Magnesium. Magnesium is great for constipation and is very inexpensive. It's a mineral which most of us lack. You may also want to take a good Probiotic once a day especially if you do a coffee enema in order to re introduce friendly bacteria which will help your digestive system get back to normal.

Good Luck! :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

I get constipated even when I step down my dose which is weird b/c I have IBS and never have a problem going. so this has been new to me.

It's science though. Opiate addicts have diarhea when quitting and stimulant addicts have constipation. While using both have the opposite effects. It's just the human body trying to adjust to the chaos we have created for it ;)

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  • 3 years later...

Hey! Yes I get super constipated off my meds. But I found eating only GREEN, diuretic vegetables cured my constipation. Literally I ate green veggies for 3 days straight no coffee no stimulants of any kind, and poof I actually pooped naturally!!!!

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Ohhhh Yeah. I remember how frustrating this was when I quit about 8 months ago. It took me about a solid month to feel like I was moving regularly again. Just another pesky side effect that'll pass in time

Edit: Oh wow, had no idea this thread was about three and a half years old. I hope your recovery has gone wonderfully and that you have remained clean :)

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