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flippin frozen phalanges


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She didn't ruin you indefinitely, and yes she is crazy!

Anyways, good for you for being ready to quit! You can do this! But you have to WANT it, you have to be ready for it. It sounds like you are. I can relate about sweating it, it is scary to run out. I think accepting it as fact that you will run out, and weaning yourself off of it, helps. Your first few days are going to be hard but your brain will start healing right away. Your body will too. My Raynaud's type symptoms have gone away since I've been quit, and exercise can help with that too.

Hope to see you around here more often-- these forums help so many of us through it! Anything you're going through, people here can relate or will have words of wisdom so keep coming back and post away!

Good luck!

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  On 1/28/2013 at 1:37 AM, Cjw said:

I only want to feel good and be happy.

...as do we all... you're taking the first step. You may not be happy or feel good for a long time yet, (sorry that is cold comfort right now), but I can tell you one thing: you absolutely will not feel happy or good if you keep on the adderall shit. And I know you know that.

Did you get a calendar? Get ready to document that shit. Every day is a marathon but every day counts, as I learned through this ridiculous journey.

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  On 1/28/2013 at 1:20 AM, occasional01 said:

Yes, I have had this effect from adderall. Another person on here mentioned developing Raynaud's from adderall. It narrows your blood vessels so this makes sense. Are you still taking it?

I had a mild case of reynauds prior to the adderall, but after over a year of heavy abuse my fingers are constantly purple/blue/orange/red. Highly unappealing. Super sensitive to cold, but they also change color whether it is room temperature or freezing.
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Its true, there were a lot of PAWS days even while addicted.....like, every morning before taking the pills.....or the dreaded running out early or taking a day "off" to reduce tolerance and conserve pills. I guess there's something about knowing that you can get more, though, that makes it different somehow from actually quitting and staying quit.

Purple fingers sounds really scary......... Glad you are well versed and know what to expect. Going through this every month is terrible but that is an experience you can choose to stop having....if you stop the cycle. It DOES get better!!!

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