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redline energy shots -- do NOT drink the whole thing @ once

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Big mistake - this is some strong shit. I've never tried energy shots because I didn't realize they were sugar-free (some anyway.) Today GNC was giving away free redline energy shots and even though they said not to drink the whole thing @ once - addict that I am - if one is good two is better ... I drank half the shot @ 3:30 and the other half at 4:30. I felt decent after the first half - a nice boost of energy mid-afternoon. After the second half I felt WAY too wired. Not in a good way. So beware. Tomorrow I will try 5-hour energy ... one shot at a time.

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oh yeah, I know those things.... best if they're shared with someone else...

had that same experience with an edible weed chocolate thing... they said, eat a quarter! split it with someone, was waaay too stoned... we gotta remember to listen to dosage suggestions!

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..also RockStar drinks. They sell it in the vending machines for two bucks each. Its REALLY strong shit. I got a burst of energy and then a crash. Then I got another one to keep the energy. Im going to avoid these because they remind me too much of adderall. ive also heard these drinks are terrible for a persons health..i do admit though, i rely a lot on caffeine to get me through the day.

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I am contemplating ordering a box of 24 hour energy. i dont know if there is a dollar tree around. I drank another RockStar today (woah) and I'm drinking a lot of caffeine. I havent drank any 5 hour energy since i quit adderall. I used to drink them all the time when i was on adderall.

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  On 1/31/2013 at 3:54 AM, InRecovery said:

I am contemplating ordering a box of 24 hour energy.

I tried 5 -hour energy today and it was a lot smoother than redline. I poured it in my isopure (fruity protein drink) which made it last longer. Then I had another one in the afternoon in a smoothie. The first one was ok but the second not so much. It feels like I'm chasing a buzz that's just not the same no matter how you slice it. Plus it scares me - like what the hell am I doing??? This is not living life on life's terms so I might have to re-think this, unless I can stick to just one a day I can't do these things.

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  On 1/31/2013 at 4:02 AM, lea said:

I tried 5 -hour energy today and it was a lot smoother than redline. I poured it in my isopure (fruity protein drink) which made it last longer. Then I had another one in the afternoon in a smoothie. The first one was ok but the second not so much. It feels like I'm chasing a buzz that's just not the same no matter how you slice it. Plus it scares me - like what the hell am I doing??? This is not living life on life's terms so I might have to re-think this, unless I can stick to just one a day I can't do these things.

iagree.gif something feels really wrong about being too stimulated from other stuff!!!

but Sometimes im like i really need lots of coffee if im going to stay awake through this lecture. And i just go ahead and indulge myself...

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  On 1/31/2013 at 4:02 AM, lea said:

I tried 5 -hour energy today and it was a lot smoother than redline. I poured it in my isopure (fruity protein drink) which made it last longer. Then I had another one in the afternoon in a smoothie. The first one was ok but the second not so much. It feels like I'm chasing a buzz that's just not the same no matter how you slice it. Plus it scares me - like what the hell am I doing??? This is not living life on life's terms so I might have to re-think this, unless I can stick to just one a day I can't do these things.

gross! you pour 5 hour energy in a smoothy!?!?! lol that sounds nasty! why not just shoot it back? I think it works best if taken as a shot....

The colostrum pills give me some energy. I also just started drinking Apple Cider Vinegar drinks- a couple table spoons in water... supposed to be another miracle cure.

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  On 1/31/2013 at 5:23 AM, sky said:

miracle cure.

miracle cure for what, sky? does it give you energy?

I notice when I don't take my wellbutrin, 5 hr energy, yerba mate and l tyrosene as SOON as I wake up I am a sad specimen for the rest of the day, pretty much.

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  On 1/31/2013 at 10:01 PM, lea said:

MFA -- Do you find you can get thru the day on just one 5-hour energy? It's funny because I take wellbutrin (and prozac), yerba mate and l tyrosine in the a.m. as well.

Interesting we're on the same regimen. I do drink coffee but not too much, usually one or two cups a day; never in the afternoon because I get a headache. I will take another 5hr energy later in the day but too much of that stuff upsets my stomach.... what about you?

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What's rhodiola?

Also, I have just started taking a supplement called "atro-phex" which is at GNC, it contains thyamine (I think? the bottle is impossible to read!) and it's helping with energy and appetite.

I've gained nearly 15lbs since I quit.

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Rhodiola is an herb that's supposed to boost mental performance. I think it was mentioned here on QA. I am forever in search of the ultimate mental performance enhancing, appetite suppressing combo. I've gained about 5 lbs so far... I will try atrophex - making list for GNC GOLD CARD WEEK!!

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During lecture today I could barely keep my eyes open, as soon as we had a break I bolted for some rock star. Later I realized tons of us in class were thinking the same thing.

if I was on adderall I'd be wide awake and way too interested in this boring lecture. And people would probably find it unusual.

I wouldn't have a perfectly acceptable and very normal problem of wanting rock star during A 10 am lecture break and now wanting to take a nap.

Other tricks I use to stay awake..snoring02.gifI pinch myself really hard..lol.

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Keep myself deliberately cold. Interesting factoid: during the 600-person, 6-week-long, 10-hour-a-day training sessions I used to run throughout the summer for incoming interns and graduates at my old job, I would call the maintenance team and make sure the room was at least 5-10 degrees (Fahrenheit) lower than it should be. They all hated it, but it kept them awake!

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